Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Media Monday

OK, here's the deal: I have a 3 year old with a cold and is complaining off and on about his tummy hurting. I have an 11 month old who is bouncing off the walls with energy and driving me nuts while I'm trying to care for the sick kiddo. I have just spent the past 4 days with friends and family members, some entertaining at their place (thanks Dave and Holly!) and then three days at mine. It was a blast and I loved every single minute but now I am realizing how exhausted I am. So these posts are going to be quick and to the point and without pictures so I can try to sneak in a rest time while they're napping. =)

Media Monday (a day late - sorry!)

Stitched in Time by Alicia Paulson is my recommendation for today. She is also the author of Posie Gets Cozy, which you can find in the links on the right hand side of my blog. I can't wait to start on some of the crafts. I would like to make the Birthday Banner for the kids for their birthdays this year. Then I want to make the Nutcracker Doll for my niece, Wyndham, for her upcoming birthday. She just finished her first ballet class experience and was showing me some of her moves on Saturday. After that I want to make the Family Tree with the adorable birds and then move on to any of the other projects. The pictures are beautiful, too.

Check it out!

1 comment:

The Allens said...

This sounds like a book up my ally! I will have to give this one a whirl!
Maybe it will be at the library! Lets hope!