Friday, March 13, 2009

Is It October Yet?

I am very excited about this weekend. We have a lot going on, but it's a lot of fun stuff. We're visiting friends tonight. My sister-in-law and nieces are coming over tomorrow (I haven't seen them since early September and Tim hasn't seen them since May - this will be his first time even meeting Sophie!) Sunday brings our friends, Jack and Kelly and their kids, and they are spending the night with us, too! We saw them right before Christmas when they briefly stopped on the way up to Jack's parents' house but haven't had a really good, laid-back, quality visit with them in about a year and a half. Kelly is one of my closest friends from college so I'm looking forward to seeing her and actually chatting without worrying about fitting a phone call in within nap time. =)

There are many things I'm looking forward to this year. Like last year, there are lots of little babies that are going to be popping up in our lives (NOT in this household) and the first is to arrive in the next two weeks from Josh and Sara. I get another niece or nephew (we all have a "feeling" it's another girl but will find out on Wednesday when my sister has her ultrasound) in August. I have multiple friends who are pregnant right now. So exciting!

There are little things planned already throughout the year that bring a smile to my face when I think about them. My sister and I are taking my mom to a luncheon at an Herb Farm over in their area. There will be a speaker talking about gardening and how to make meals out of what you can grow in your garden. It's going to be a vegetarian luncheon made all out of things you can grow and the menu sounds amazing. Tim and I keep dreaming up our garden and what we want to plant. First we're going to have to fence off our side yard since that is the only place we get any sun. Someday we want to remove a couple trees from our backyard...when we have a couple thousand extra dollars hanging around (which will probably be a long time away.) Personally, I am not much of a gardener. I tend to kill plants. This is one reason why Tim doesn't buy me flowers, although yesterday he did surprise me by bringing home some lilies! They are so fragrant you can smell them all in the house. They're absolutely beautiful, too. Good husband. =)

Tim and I are going to take a weekend getaway at some point but the details for that haven't been discussed. We just made sure to put it on our 2009 Goals list. I will very much look forward to when that happens.

My biggest event...the one I comfort myself with the thought of whenever my kids are driving me crazy...the one I call my friend, Jen, with and say, "Is it October yet?"...comes in, well, October. Kelly, Jen and I are going to be having a little "Girls Weekend." No husbands, no kids. Just us and a moms conference. We were roommates during our sophomore year of college so it's going to be a little "reunion" in a sense for us. I attended the conference a couple years ago and really enjoyed it. They haven't been to one yet. We're all really excited for the speakers this year. I think it's going to be a refreshing weekend.

Anyone else have anything exciting they're looking forward to this year?


cat said...

Oh gosh, I wish I had so much to look forward to!

amy & lisa said...

My son is getting married in July!! :)
My daughter and I are going to go to Sunshine Festival and Lifelight Festival this year. Maybe this will be the year God sends that husband for her!!
And then there's Christian Women's Retreat and International Camporee...and Parties to plan.
So ya....lots of things to do. It's fun to have stuff going on. Something to look forward to. :)

I think your girls only weekend sound like a great time. Relaxed and fun. October will be here before you know it. :)

Anonymous said...

October will be here before you know it. Have a great time!

daniella said...

Well, you know my excitement! But I'm seriously looking forward to a vacation either on a beach in Florida or Hawaii. Josh and I never went on a honeymoon so I don't know if this will just us thing or if Charlie will come along..

I LOVE the idea of gardening. One of my biggest pet peeves about living in an appt. is that I can't get my hands dirty. I'm looking forard to the day we live in a house and I can plant every vegetable & fruit possible. I miss that, because it's how I grew up.

I'm excited for your girl reunion in October!!!! How fun. I'm actually jealous.

Look What My Kid Did! said...

You have a beautiful family. It is awesome to hear your testimony and faith in God. We all need more of that.

Glenda, saved by grace said...

Lovely family! I love your blog!