Sunday, March 29, 2009


Sorry I haven't blogged in the past week. No crafts or books or anything. I know that there are many people who don't blog in forever and they never give an explanation why...they don't need to - it's their life! I really wanted to give a warning though: I'm planning on not blogging for the month of April.
I started March by blogging every weekday and sometimes on the weekends. I was the featured blogger for two blogging communities, SITS and the Blog Guild within one week. I exhausted myself with blogging. It has been a busy March!
April is around the corner and there is a lot going on. Easter at our house, Ellie's first birthday party, Ellie's first birthday, a trip to Chicago to celebrate one niece's birthday and the other's dedication. Family will be visiting at times and we will go a-visiting at other times. Fun times ahead accompanied by lots of planning.
Amidst all this, I feel a hunger for growing. Instead of blogging during naptime I would rather be reading a book or listening to Moody Bible Radio broadcasts or watching a Francis Chan sermon. I have broadcasts bookmarked in my favorites from Midday Connection that I can't wait to sit down and listen to. I try to read my Bible in the morning but there are times I don't get to it before the kids are awake and so I want to make sure that during naptime I am digging into the Word. Our small group leader, Dan, was talking recently about how there is preaching and teaching. Preaching is for the non-believers, to lead them to Christ. Teaching is for the believer, to help them grow. Our church is great with preaching but lacks with the teaching. That's why Tim and I enjoy our small group so much - we are actually all hungering for more of God and teaching. We are studying the book of John and encouraging each other in our walks of faith. I need to be taught right now. I need my time in the Bible and I need the teaching from pastors and speakers I respect. I guess I'm feeling a bit Baptist at the moment and in need of a little hellfire and brimstone which is funny because I've always teased Tim about his strict upbringing.
Yet as I spend more time studying, I feel less fear about my future. I trust God more. I have hope and the peace that passes understanding. I know that "this world has nothing for me" as we sang this morning at church in the song "Rescue." I give more and more of me over to Him because I realize that nothing is in my control. I am a sinner...but I am saved by Grace.
It has been interesting to see during this tax season how little Tim made last year. We are well below the median American income. Yet we feel rich. Our bills are being paid, we have no debt, we don't spend time worrying about Tim's work in the future. We know that God will take care of us because He has shown us time and again that He does. We have looked at our wants to see they would be nice, sure, and fun, but not necessary. Our perspective has changed. What is important?
I have been reading the book of Jeremiah. A couple weeks ago I came across these verses (5-8) in chapter 17:

Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
who depends on flesh for the strength
and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
He will be like a bush in the wastelands;
he will not see prosperity when it comes.
He will dwell in the parched places of the desert,
in a salt land where no one lives.
But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.
Where is your trust?
I am sure that over the next month I will jump on and catch up on people's blogs. After all, it is how I stay up to date on my nieces, through Deidra, or friends' pregnancies, which is at least three of you. =) I will also most likely put up a birthday post for Ellie just as I do Noah every year.
Until May...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thimble Thursday

Looking for a cheap (if you do it yourself) and fun way to decorate?

Try painting a mural!

This is in the kids' bedroom. Rachel helped me with it by painting her little trademark birds, which I happen to be so in love with.

Website Wednesday (belated)

I know, I know...a day late again. Two kids down with colds although Noah is now denying being sick and he is actually starting to sound/look better. So these will again be short, sweet and to the point.
I love crafty websites and it's hard for me to narrow down ones to suggest so if you like them, too, then make sure to check out the links on the right side of the page under the Crafty Little Sites heading. Today's website is the first one I came across however, thanks to Rachel. It's HELLO, My Name is Heather.
Heather Bailey is kind of a Crafty Jill of all trades. She has so many projects and small businesses going on that it's amazing she has any sanity in her. She designs fabrics, has a children's hat business called Noggins, created a hair accessory called Trash Ties, and more.
And isn't this little girl skirt adorable? I'm so glad she has a link to a similar pattern because I want to make one for Ellie someday!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tasty Treat Tuesday

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I love to make some kind of Irish dish on St. Patrick's Day each year as a tiny way to honor my Irish heritage. Last year I made a yummy apple dessert but, sadly, can't find the recipe this year. This afternoon I'm going to make Irish Soda Bread. I found a recipe from and, although this is my first Tasty Treat Tuesday that I've never tried beforehand, I still wanted to put it on here it because I'll be making it today and it's a holiday.

Amazingly Easy Irish Soda Bread

4 c. flour
4 Tbsp. white sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 c. margarine, softened
1 c. buttermilk
1 egg
1/4 c. butter, melted
1/4 c. buttermilk

*Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease a large baking sheet.
*In a large bowl, mix together flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt and margarine. Stir in 1 cup of buttermilk and egg. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead slightly. Form dough into a round and place on prepared baking sheet.
In a small bowl, combine melted butter with 1/4 cup buttermilk; brush load with this mixture. Use a sharp knife to cut an "x" into top of loaf.
*Bake in preheated oven for 45-50 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean (which could be anywhere from 30-55 minutes.) Continue to brush with butter/buttermilk mixture while baking if desired.

Anybody else have any Irish recipes they like to try out?

Media Monday

OK, here's the deal: I have a 3 year old with a cold and is complaining off and on about his tummy hurting. I have an 11 month old who is bouncing off the walls with energy and driving me nuts while I'm trying to care for the sick kiddo. I have just spent the past 4 days with friends and family members, some entertaining at their place (thanks Dave and Holly!) and then three days at mine. It was a blast and I loved every single minute but now I am realizing how exhausted I am. So these posts are going to be quick and to the point and without pictures so I can try to sneak in a rest time while they're napping. =)

Media Monday (a day late - sorry!)

Stitched in Time by Alicia Paulson is my recommendation for today. She is also the author of Posie Gets Cozy, which you can find in the links on the right hand side of my blog. I can't wait to start on some of the crafts. I would like to make the Birthday Banner for the kids for their birthdays this year. Then I want to make the Nutcracker Doll for my niece, Wyndham, for her upcoming birthday. She just finished her first ballet class experience and was showing me some of her moves on Saturday. After that I want to make the Family Tree with the adorable birds and then move on to any of the other projects. The pictures are beautiful, too.

Check it out!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Super Glue

I took Noah to Target with me this morning. Tim wanted to vacuum the floors in the house and I had some errands to run so I figured it would be easier to get him out of the house and Tim's way.
First of all, I am blessed in that 95% of the time, my kids do great at the grocery store (and Target.) There is the 5% in which Noah runs away from me or Ellie is having a breakdown or whatever other random things may happen. But I can count on one hand the amount of times that has happened.
Today is beautiful outside. The sun is shining bright and the weather is mild. I still wouldn't quite call it "warm" but it's not freezing, so I'll take it. We have family coming tonight, friends coming tomorrow and good times ahead. My husband is cleaning the floors and my kids are in a good mood for getting not as much sleep as usual the night before. My attitude today is laid back, relax and content.
Noah and I made it through Target getting the few items we needed. We picked a lane to check-out in and waited behind a woman whose items were being scanned still. A moment later another woman got in line behind us. I was surprised to begin with because there were about 4 or 5 lanes open with one, maybe two, customers in each line. This is unsual because usually they have few lanes and lots o' customers waiting.
Anyways, the lady ahead of me noticed a bottle of soap she was buying had a leak so the cashier had to call a worker to come get another one. Then the woman handed her coupons over, but had forgotten to cut out the ones she had printed off her internet. There were only two. I am still patiently waiting, watching Noah as he looked through the impulse buy items (thankfully, he also knows not to ask for any.) The woman behind me leans in closer to me makes a snide comment about the woman not clipping out her coupons. A bit thrown off, I pretend I didn't hear her because I can't think of how to respond.
A lane opens up and the cashier yells that she can take whoever is waiting next. My items are already on the belt and I'm not in a hurry so I stay where I am. The woman behind me tells me to get in the open line. I look at her and tell her I'm fine. She gives me a dirty look and says, "Well, I'm going to take it then because I don't have all day to wait around." I watch as she huffs and puffs over to the other line. A moment later I hear her start to attack the cashier for not doing something right.
She was through the line and out the doors before Noah and me. In the car I started thinking about her. Do you ever have times where you think about the things you would have said if your mind had been working? It happens to me all the time. I think God turns off my brain and super glues my mouth shut sometimes to keep me from saying hurtful things. Don't get me wrong, I've said my share in my years, but lately it's been fewer, thank the Lord.
I would have told the woman to chill out. I would have told her to slow down a little and enjoy the nice day. I would have said that getting out of the store two minutes faster isn't going to make a difference in the whole of her day. I would have told her that I used to be a hurried, stressed out, complaining, witchy customer waiting in lines ready to jump in the next shortest one, too. I would have then explained how that negative attitude impacts how I'm feeling, my outlook on the day, how my husband and kids respond to me and what others first impressions of me were. I would have then told her how much better everything seems when you just relax and give up the control.
Then I would have danced out of Target while singing Fee's lyrics (or maybe they're Tim Hughes'): "Oh, happy day! Happy day! He washed my sins away. Oh! Happy day! Happy day! I'll never be the same. Forever I am changed!"
Good thing I was super glued or else I would have shattered everyone's ear drums...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Is It October Yet?

I am very excited about this weekend. We have a lot going on, but it's a lot of fun stuff. We're visiting friends tonight. My sister-in-law and nieces are coming over tomorrow (I haven't seen them since early September and Tim hasn't seen them since May - this will be his first time even meeting Sophie!) Sunday brings our friends, Jack and Kelly and their kids, and they are spending the night with us, too! We saw them right before Christmas when they briefly stopped on the way up to Jack's parents' house but haven't had a really good, laid-back, quality visit with them in about a year and a half. Kelly is one of my closest friends from college so I'm looking forward to seeing her and actually chatting without worrying about fitting a phone call in within nap time. =)

There are many things I'm looking forward to this year. Like last year, there are lots of little babies that are going to be popping up in our lives (NOT in this household) and the first is to arrive in the next two weeks from Josh and Sara. I get another niece or nephew (we all have a "feeling" it's another girl but will find out on Wednesday when my sister has her ultrasound) in August. I have multiple friends who are pregnant right now. So exciting!

There are little things planned already throughout the year that bring a smile to my face when I think about them. My sister and I are taking my mom to a luncheon at an Herb Farm over in their area. There will be a speaker talking about gardening and how to make meals out of what you can grow in your garden. It's going to be a vegetarian luncheon made all out of things you can grow and the menu sounds amazing. Tim and I keep dreaming up our garden and what we want to plant. First we're going to have to fence off our side yard since that is the only place we get any sun. Someday we want to remove a couple trees from our backyard...when we have a couple thousand extra dollars hanging around (which will probably be a long time away.) Personally, I am not much of a gardener. I tend to kill plants. This is one reason why Tim doesn't buy me flowers, although yesterday he did surprise me by bringing home some lilies! They are so fragrant you can smell them all in the house. They're absolutely beautiful, too. Good husband. =)

Tim and I are going to take a weekend getaway at some point but the details for that haven't been discussed. We just made sure to put it on our 2009 Goals list. I will very much look forward to when that happens.

My biggest event...the one I comfort myself with the thought of whenever my kids are driving me crazy...the one I call my friend, Jen, with and say, "Is it October yet?"...comes in, well, October. Kelly, Jen and I are going to be having a little "Girls Weekend." No husbands, no kids. Just us and a moms conference. We were roommates during our sophomore year of college so it's going to be a little "reunion" in a sense for us. I attended the conference a couple years ago and really enjoyed it. They haven't been to one yet. We're all really excited for the speakers this year. I think it's going to be a refreshing weekend.

Anyone else have anything exciting they're looking forward to this year?

Friend Friday!

Our Week 2 installment of Friend Friday features Lindsy. We met while attending the same church back in Grand Rapids. I'm thankful that our families have stayed in touch even after moves on both parts, even if we don't see them as often as before. Lindsy knits but it is scrapbooking that I asked her to write about because it's something she does very well. I have a hard time scrapbooking, I must admit. Lindsy also was the one to start "pestering" (or persisitently suggesting) me about using cloth diapers. After hearing from a few other people about them as well, I caved in and am now so glad I did! I admire Lindsy and hope you enjoy her as well!

I am a SAHM of three *very* active little boys ~ they are my main reason and passion behind my scrapbooking *ahem* obsession....errrr...hobby :o) I have been scrapbooking for many years though (well, maybe *many* was a stretch ~ I'm not THAT old), my mom made scrapbooks for my sister and me ~ and we loved to look through them when we were little. Once I was in high school I started my own scrapbooks (someone had to photograph the cat and rat dissections in Biology right?!?), of course I wasn't scrapping in the right way then, so unfortunately those scrapbooks won't last very long ~ however when my oldest son, Griffin, was born I learned how to scrapbook correctly (with acid-free and lignin-free products) and from there it has just grown. For Christmas I make 12x12 calendars for my parents, my sister and my in-laws, I have scrapbooked a couple of my friends' and roommate's weddings (and I am currently working on my sister's wedding scrapbook). I love to scrapbook and I don't understand how people can say that they aren't "creative" enough to scrapbook ~ believe me, if I can do it, anyone can do it! When it comes to being artistic, my sister definitely received the lion's share in our family :o)
I really enjoy being able to make scrapbooks and calendars for people ~ I think the full effect of just how important pictures are to me was when my grandpa passed away in November 2006. It was so comforting to be able to pull out lay-outs that I had made of him and my oldest two boys (my youngest son wasn't born until after Grandpa passed) and now this past August we lost another grandparent (PawPaw ~ I am making a memory album for Nana ~ it is full of lay-outs of Nana and PawPaw when they were younger as well as their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren) and my great grandmother passed away recently. It is so nice to be able to open a scrapbook and see pictures of them and to be able to share stories about them with my boys.
So needless to say one of my pet peeves is boxes and boxes of pictures just sitting ~ what good are pictures in boxes?!? :o) They need to be preserved and their stories told.
Every few months a friend and I get together and do a 24-hour scrapbooking marathon. I absolutely love it! We sleep for about 5 hours (at most) and just talk and scrapbook away ~ without kids, without husbands, without distractions ~ it is great!
I've started to make cards now so I can use up all of the scraps I save ~ I have a hard time throwing away patterned paper and cardstock, so I've been saving it in folders. But now the folders are full so I figured it was time to start using the scraps instead of collecting them :o) Some of my *lucky* family members will be getting handmade cards for their birthdays ~ but I won't say who!

Scrappy Giraffe Designs - Lindsy's scrapbooking website

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thimble Thursday

This adorable hat pattern is from Amy Karol's Bend the Rules Sewing. It is called the Woodland Elf hat. The material was cheap because I bought a different kind of fabric than what the book calls for. This way it's also not so itchy on little ears.

I want to say it took me about an hour to make. I made them about a year and a half ago. I couldn't get Noah to model one for the life of me, but I think it looks a little more girly anyway. That means Ellie needs to watch out because I'm going to be making one and shoving it on her head next winter (which, hopefully, is still a long way off since we're not even really out of this one yet.)

Website Wednesday (A Day Late...)

So I'm late on Website Wednesday, but I spent most of yesterday reading comments until my eyes felt like they were going fuzzy. Today you get Website Wednesday AND Thimble Thursday all on one day. Exciting, no?

Today's featured website is Reprodepot Fabrics. You can buy all kinds of fabric, patterns, books, notions and more. Most have a vintage look to them. There are also many Japanese imports. Some of the fabric are ones that you might need to save up for or splurge on.

I'm sure there are tons of fabric websites out there and if you can suggest any, I would love to know!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Welcome SITStas!

I am so excited to be the featured blogger for SITS today (although I'm typing this Tuesday night.) I hope you all have a cup of hot tea (or hot cocoa, coffee, etc. - whatever your preference!) to enjoy while peeking around my blog. In my opinion, everything is better when accompanied by tea.

If you want to know a little more surrounding the author of this blog: I'm going on 6 years of marriage with my fantastic husband. I enjoy any time I can spend with him, which is something we try to make a priority. We feel the best thing we can do for our marriage and our children is to make sure our marriage comes before them. This way our kiddos are seeing a healthy marriage modeled AND realizing that they are not the center of our lives (in hopes of preventing them from growing up to be selfish stinkers.) And, really, how could I ever turn down time with the man who thinks I'm the most gorgeous woman (he must be blinded with love...)

Speaking of the kiddos, we have two children, Noah and Eleanor (Ellie.) If you have any advice for how to handle "the three's" (which have turned out to be comparable to "the terrible twos"), I welcome it. Seriously, though, my children are a joy in those moments when I'm not wanting to lock myself in the bathroom for thirty seconds of alone time. =) Who knew you could love so much? I would love to post pictures of them besides the ones on the header, but due to crazy laptop problems (see a couple posts below), they are all sitting on an external hard drive at the moment. You'll just have to trust me when I say my husband is a hottie and my kids are adorable.

My faith in the Lord is extremely important to me and I make no apologies for it. He has made me a new creation in Him and I have never known such peace and comfort in life. I am an ever changing work in progress, but my God is unchanging as He shapes me. My marriage is centered on Him and I think the most important responsibility I hold as a parent is raising my children to love and know the Lord.

Because I love to do "old lady" hobbies such as knitting, crocheting, baking and sewing, we are shaking things up a little on this blog and having "March CraftMadness" where all month long different crafty things are being featured daily. As for non-crafty things, I love reading and wish I loved working out. Our family could live in the water if given the option and when summer rolls around we spend the majority of our days outside and weekends at the beach. How much longer do I have to wait, again?

Thanks for stopping by and I will try to reply to your comments as much as naptimes allow me!

Tasty Treat Tuesday

Today's recipe was given to me by my friend, Kelly. I am not sure where she got it from, but she enjoys cooking and baking so it could be from anywhere - a cookbook, magazine, cooking show, her own imagination. I am the type of person that prefers cantaloupe over honeydew, but this recipe is so delicious. You can use it to impress people, as it looks fancy and tastes elegant. It's great with a summertime meal.


3 c. cubed honeydew
1/2 c. white grape juice
1 Tbsp. sugar

*Process until smooth in blender. Refrigerate until chilled. Makes 3-4 servings. If desired, add a couple spoonfuls of the fruit dip (recipe featured below) for a creamier consistency.


1/2 c. orange juice
1/2 c. sugar
1 egg yolk
2 Tbsp. butter
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 tub Cool Whip

*Heat juice, sugar, egg yok and butter on stovetop until thickened. If it doesn't thicken, add 1 Tbsp. cornstarch.
*When thick, add the softened cream cheese. Remove from heat.
*When mixture is cool, add the tub of Cool Whip.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Media Monday

*Warning: Today's post does contain mild language due to the "b" word*

I have referenced this book often and for good reason. It is helpful and full of good patterns. Today's featured book is Stitch 'n Bitch:The Knitter's Handbook by Debbie Stoller. This is the book that really was able to get me started on knitting. She explains things in a very easy way, along with diagrams and pictures to help clarify. It is a witty book as well. And if you are slightly disturbed by the name, you can always do what a friend of mine did and write "complain" on a piece of paper and tape it over "bitch." Same concept.
You can find out more by going to the website. Also in this book grouping you can find Stitch 'n Bitch Nation (also in the knitting section of my bookshelf), Son of Stitch 'n Bitch (offering patterns and projects for men), Stitch 'n Bitch: A Knitter's Design Journal, and Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker (another very good book for those of you who like to crochet.)

And we are not going to take the time to get into which is better - knitting or crocheting. I think both have their advantages...

Has anyone else used this book for any projects?

Lack of Lump, Lazarus, Lukewarm and Love...Crazy Love

I went to my OB/GYN last week to get a second opinion on the lump (mostly to put my mom at ease since she kept calling me about it.) The doctor couldn't find it! She asked me to show her where it was and I showed her the area and she asked if I could feel it, since she wasn't coming up with anything, and I couldn't either. She said either it really was a swollen lymph node or it disappeared. Yea! I was going to post this good news over the weekend except that our computer was giving us problems, leading to the "Lazarus" part of the post title...

Our laptop was infected with a virus in November. It took us until January to realize it had been infected, we just thought it was acting funky. Then I came across an article on Yahoo!'s homepage which was describing a virus that is so bad, Microsoft is actually offering a reward if anyone can lead them to the creators of it. It described the virus and it fit perfectly with what was happening with our laptop. It tricked us into ordering what we thought was a Microsoft anti-virus, but in actuality was the virus. Argh! Any time we tried to download anything anti-virus related or system updates, it blocked them from our computer.

Thankfully, two of the guys in our small group work with computers and have been a huge help to us. Last week we bought an external hard drive and transferred all our pictures, music, documents, etc. over to it. We went to small group early and the guys helped us clear everything off our computer and start it over from scratch. After we came home Tim was up until almost midnight (I fell asleep on the couch) doing computer stuff that is beyond my knowledge to help it start over.

Friday it was working great and I got a new (safe, recommended and free) anti-virus/spyware program put on.

Saturday I came home from the gym and found Tim in a frustrated state in front of the computer. He had tried to download some Bios thing and the computer started being all funky again and stopped working.

Our laptop was dead. Tim was kicking himself. I was trying to not say anything because I knew he felt bad enough. And in actuality, I am quite surprised at how calm I was. I think God has really been working on me because I thought to myself, It's just a laptop. We have all our important stuff on the external hard drive. We'll save up the money and buy a new one and until then I'll just use the one at the library when I need to. The "other Andrea" would have freaked out, crying and lamenting the ease and access to which I had a form of simple communication with the rest of the world. I'm thankful for these changes God is bringing to me because looking back it seemed silly for me to get all worked up over something like a computer.

A couple hours later, the computer started back up again! Everything worked great and we haven't had a problem with it since. Our friend, Matt, said he was glad because when Tim told him about the Bios program crashing it he said he wasn't ready to mention to Tim that those programs either work or they kill your computer for good. It sounded like our's had been a goner. So that is how our laptop has gained the name "Lazarus," which, oddly enough, was one of the passages we studied Thursday night at small group a couple weeks ago.

About some of the changes I have been experiencing in my's been scary and exhilirating all at the same time. I have been spending more time reading the Bible lately. I'm trying to read the Bible straight through in its entirety, which is actually something I've never done. This morning I started Jeremiah.
Also, in our small group we are studying the book of John. It is so refreshing to be studying the Bible with other people. Tim and I have often discussed how sad/frustrated it makes us that it seems like churches aren't really preaching the Bible anymore. Instead of studying a chunk of Scripture on Sunday morning and talking about how it's applicable to our lives, churches are doing topical studies and then throwing a verse or two in to back it up. I understand why they do this - in order to seem accessible to everyone and make it easy to understand and comfortable for new people to come in and find Christ. Then small groups are meant to go deeper, though I'm curious to see how many are actually studying the Bible or doing life-related studies.
I also finally listened to a pastor that I heard about awhile ago. His name is Francis Chan. Our friend, Matt Nash, has talked about him for a couple years ago and then my friend, Jen, mentioned him to me a couple weeks ago. Last week during one of the kids' naptimes, I watched one of his sermons on youtube. It was called "Lukewarm and Loving It." Wow, did I feel convicted afterward. I would say that I have fallen into the Lukewarm category and it was a wake-up call I needed.
Chan has also written a book called Crazy Love. So far I'm only on the fourth chapter, but it's crazy good. I would highly recommend it. Everything he writes he backs up with tons of Scripture and he really has a heart after God. The Lukewarm sermon is below and is about 40 minutes long but is really worth it.

That's about all the news for here. The kids are doing great. I actually can hear them waking up so I will have to do my Media Monday post later today.
Have a great Monday!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Friend Friday!

Our first Friend Friday features one of my husband's closest friends. They were roommates in college and, after Tim and I bought our first house, he actually rented a bedroom in our basement. We had many metal projects being welded in our garage and displayed in the family room in the basement. I will say from firsthand watching, he has come so far in his experience and talent and we are proud of all the things he has accomplished in just a short time of a few years. He is a blogging machine and people value his advice and opinions. The last I checked his blog (this morning) he had 1040 followers. His wife is a budding photographer and owns her own business, Grace Designs Photography. You can check out her site through a link on the right side of this page under the Craftly Little Sites heading. She took the header picture of Noah and Ellie that was featured on my blog until recently.
I now present to you....

Tim Adam

I am a self taught metal artist, and a certified Mig welder. I started designing modern metal furniture in 2004. I built my first piece in Baltimore with my sister-in-law who is a furniture designer. I found my passion in metal and kept on designing and building. I struggled for 4 years to make a name in local galleries in the Grand Rapids Michigan area.

A friend of mine introduced me to Etsy in February of 2007, and it changed my business. I started creating a jewelry line and have not turned back. In November of 2007 I had to quit my full time job because my passion was becoming a dream come true! I am now selling all over the world through my Etsy shop. I also have wholesale accounts around the country with galleries, museums and salons. I am also a full time blogger dedicated to the handmade scene.

I now live in Louisville, Ohio with my beautiful wife and our Jack russel, Sadie. I am currently studying to be a photographer, so i can be my wife's second shooter in her upcoming weddings in 2009.

Make sure you stop by Tim's websites!
Enjoy your weekend! Over the weekend I will do a family update to let you know some good news I received this week. Don't forget to stop back Monday for Media Monday as we continue March CraftMadness.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Thimble Thursday

Today's project does not require a thimble, or even sewing, but the name of the post remains. =)

The Umbilical Cord hat.

You can find the pattern in the book Stitch 'N Bitch by Debbie Stoller. This is my go-to book for all help knitting related. She describes everything in an easy to understand way and there are many cute and simple patterns to help get you started if you want to pursue knitting.

Rachel made the hat at the top for Noah. Doesn't he look absolutely adorable in it? I was so sad when his head became too large for it. The middle picture is of Owen, who is the son of our friends Jack and Kelly. That was three years ago. The last picture is Ellie on the day she is born.
The Umbilical Cord hat has become my staple baby gift. It's quick and easy to make, which is always a plus now that I have two small children. Sometimes I modify mine and don't make the I-cord on the top as long and skip knotting it. When knit like this in the color brown (I did one for my nephew, Ross) it looks like an acorn, which has led to it being nicknamed the "acorn cap" in our household.
It's really a fun project!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Website Wednesday

What better way to kick off our first Website Wednesday during Craft Month than with the Mother of all crafty handmade sites?


For those of you who have been living under a rock and have not heard of it, Etsy is a place where you can sell homemade items, buy homemade items or spend hours upon hours browsing through beautiful items. They have just about anything and everything handmade that you are looking for. Food? Got it. Vintage jewelry? Check. Art made of wood, metal, plastic, etc.? Find it there.
I have a couple friends who sell items on Etsy. My friend, Rachel, has an etsy shop. You will find out more about her on a Friend Friday, but her etsy store is where she has sold beautiful jewelry. She made me a pair of earrings and a necklace and I get compliments every time I wear them.
Our friend, Tim, also has one and I tell you what, he has made a name for himself in the Etsy world. If you are ever looking for help or advice when it comes to selling on Etsy, get ahold of him. He has websites and tutorials devoted to it.

Have fun exploring Etsy, but beware - it's addictive.

Has anyone bought or sold anything on Etsy? Are there certain sellers you like to check in on?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Tasty Treat Tuesday

These are so delicious and simple you might find yourself baking them every weekend. That is what has happened for us. No special ingredients needed. They have become a Sunday morning treat around here. They're even better when enjoyed with a hot cup of cocoa or tea (or coffee for you liquid dirt addicts. Blech.)

Cinnamon Breakfast Biscuits

1 3/4 c. flour
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. cinnamon (I love cinnamon, so I put in as much as I feel like)
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 c. butter or shortening
2/3 c. milk

1/2 c. powdered sugar
2 to 3 tsp. milk

*Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
*In a medium bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Using a pastry blender (or 2 knives if you don't have a pastry blender, like me) cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture. Add milk. Using a fork, stir until just moistened.
*Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead dough by folding and gently pressing dough for 10 to 12 strokes or until dough is nearly smooth. Pat or lightly roll dough until 1/2 inch thick. Cut dough with a floured biscuit cutter (or just flour the top of a drinking glass and use that or you could probably use a cookie cutter shape, like a heart or something.)
*Place biscuits 1 inch apart on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake in a 450 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden. Cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes. (We never do this step - our's are eaten right out of the oven.)
*Meanwhile, stir together powdered sugar and enough milk to reach drizzling consistency. Drizzle over warm biscuits. Serve warm.


This recipe has been modified from the one in the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook.

Monday, March 02, 2009

March CraftMadness and Media Monday

For those of you who were not aware (probably everyone)...March is National Craft Month.

Don't worry. I don't usually know these things. I just received an email from Jo-Ann Fabrics recently and that's what it said.

Anywho, in recognition of what a fine month it is with crafting (and St. Patrick's Day right around the corner!) I am going to have some fun with the blog. For the month of March, I'm sure I'll still post family stuff now and again, but for the most's being transformed into Craft Blog. This is what I'm thinking:
Mondays will become Media Mondays. They will feature books that are recommended for certain projects.
Tuesdays will still be Tasty Treat Tuesdays. Yes, I know I missed the last couple weeks (again) but this is new motivation. I think baking is a craft, can I get a holler?
Wednesdays will be Website Wednesdays and will feature a crafty website (not like my temporary one but with people who are way more talented than me and actually spend their life making income being crafty.)
Thursdays will be...I'm still trying to think of a creative title but it will feature a (completed) project I've done. This way you can see that if I can do certainly can!
Fridays will be Friend Friday. These will feature guest posts.

Let's get started!

Today would be Media Monday. Our first book to be featured is: Sock and Glove by Miyako Kanamori.
What to do with that random lone sock that lost its mate to the laundry machine monster? Or the sole glove who was without a companion after a long afternoon playing in the snow?
Throw them away?
See the adorable picture at the top of the post? Make some animals!
Seriously, what child would not adore these little friends?

I have the book, but am sad to say that I have not sat myself down to make any yet. My big project last year was making a quilt for Noah's bed and I wiped myself out with that one. This year I plan on it, though. The book is so beautiful and fun that I will admit that, at time, I pull it off the bookshelf and just look through it. It makes me happy.
Martha Stewart featured the book on her show last year. They look so easy to make.

You can go here for a free pattern on how to make the cuties above.

Photo from