Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm It

I was tagged by Erin last week but didn't see it until I was catching up today. I did a post awhile ago when I was tagged but this one is different so here we go...
4 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. My senior year of high school
2. Was on Homecoming Court (me, too, Erin!)
3. Was in my third year dating Brooks and ready to break up
4. Working at the Fossil store in the outlet mall

4 things on my to do list for today:
1. Make lasagna for dinner
2. Fold laundry
3. Meet Sara & Stephani at Hage's
4. Snuggle with my husband on the couch later and watch last night's Extreme Home Makeover

4 jobs I have had:
1. Taco Bell (my first job besides babysitting)
2. Fossil
3. Cornerstone University - Phone team and Admissions Counselor Assistant
4. Kregel Used Books

4 Movies I have seen more than once:
1. Sense and Sensibility
2. Pride and Prejudice (both newer and BBC versions)
3. Waiting for Guffman
4. Sleeping Beauty

4 places I have lived:
1. Fowlerville, MI
2. Grand Rapids, MI
3. Muskegon, MI
4. Grand Haven, MI

4 places I have been (this year):
1. Waterford, VA
2. Malvern, OH
3. Toledo, OH
4. St. Ignace, MI

4 TV shows I watch
*We have to watch all our shows online since we don't have TV*
1. The Office
2. Lost
3. House
4. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
(If I had cable there would be a lot more shows on here!)

4 things you may not know about me:
1. I would love to go back to school for journalism or something with copywriting/editing. I actually take a pen and edit the newspaper sometimes. It drives Tim crazy. If I could get paid to do it, that would be a dream!
2. I don't know if anyone besides a couple friends know this one: I LOVE to type. Sometimes, when I'm listening to someone, I'm actually mentally typing out their words in my head. My fingers love the feeling of a keyboard.
3. I am a highly self-conscious person and easily hurt, which is why I tend to be harsh with others sometimes (it's a fault I've been praying about and trying to give over to God.)
4. I do not actually enjoying going to church; I only go because Tim makes me. I love Jesus and have a relationship with him that I take very seriously. I just don't like church. I get more out of a small group Bible Study setting where there is interaction and actual studying of the Bible.

4 things I love about my husband:
1. He's the most good-looking man I've ever laid eyes on. =)
2. He challenges and encourages me, loving and accepting me despite my faults
3. He is an honest man and hard worker
4. He is a godly husband and father

4 people I tag: (your turn if you want!)
1. Daniella (ha! another one)
2. Sara T.
3. Deidra
4. Deanna
And whoever else wants to!


daniella said...

Oh, the newspaper comment just cracked me up!!!! I'm not that bad but I do catch myself reaching for a pen when I find a mistake. I once corrected a typo on a job application...I didn't get the job. Go figure. The funny thing is that because I type so fast I end up making a whole bunch of typos but never go back to correct them.

You know what? I'm not a fan of church either, so thank you for being honest about that. Actually, the only reason I go to church is for the worship, wihch speaks to me more than a sermon. Now, if we could find a church where they'd let us both get involved with the worship team than that's be ideal.

this was fun to read, thanks! I'll do mine tomorrow.

jptroast said...

you can tag me, ill do it.