Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Do you see Monday's forecast? That, my dear friends, is snow. I'm not ready. I need more fall! By the way, what's all this global warming stuff? Move to Michigan.


Lindsy said...

No, I am refusing to look at Monday.....if I don't see it, it can't happen right?!?! Ha ha!
How are you guys doing?? Feels like we haven't seen you in FOREVER!

Unknown said...

I know...My friend was like i heard snow this week...no i am not ready!!! I did have to break out my gloves this morning going to class because it was in the late 30's.

christina said...

Snow? Oh my word. I need to check our forecast and see what's in store. I see you learned how to get a screen shot. Wow, you are just high tech, my friend. :)