Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Women - Read This Post!

OK all of you women - I found this informational and funny post on a blog I randomly check.
Maybe you don't need it - but I know I do!

Traci, did you ever figure out how to do that link thing? I need to learn, too!


Dee said...

Thanks for posting this one too! I just started reading the Power of a Praying Wife. Very good book and I'm only on day 2! The first day guides you to pray for your husband's wife (yes, you!). She paraphrased Proverbs 31 and talked about how wives are supposed to take care of the home and themselves and briefly talking about what that entails. I don't remember the exact quote, but she wrote something like beauty (or attractiveness or something like that) doesn't happen on it's own. Even gorgeous women don't wake up and look like they do when the step out of a limo. They take time to make them selves goregous. I'm definitely a jeans and polo shirt type of girl and can use some help in the fashion department. She had a very good down to earth explanation. Some of the magazines just make it seem too complicated and costly!

christina said...

i know how to link things!! i will share the "secret" with you next time we chat. :)