Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Blog!

My good college friend, Jen, and I decided to start a blog. It's meant to be one of accountability for a healthy lifestyle. Whether to you that means weight loss, exercise, healthy eating or whatever - it encompasses all of them.
We decided that we're tired of sitting around talking about how we wish we could lose weight, tone up, eat better, etc. Yet we realize that accomplishing these things are easier when you have someone alongside you. We assumed others probably feel the same way, so why not all connect together over this world wide web?
You set a goal. For instance, my goal is to work out three times a week. Every day that I work out I'll leave a comment on that day's post saying what I did for exercise. This way, because I know that Jen is going to expect me to reach my goal, she is holding me accountable even if it's not in person.
We're also going to feature recipes, healthy snack ideas, exercise tips and whatever else is suggested by people participating with us.
It's kind of like a Weight Watchers or fitness program except that it is free.
Are you trying to lose weight or lead a healthier lifestyle, too? Most people choose some type of health related New Years Resolution. If you are, too, join with us at Beyond Bottles and Burpcloths! If you know others who could use some encouragement, motivation and accountability, tell them too!
I just posted for the first time today and haven't had a chance to really work on the layout and set-up so excuse us as we navigate our way through this for a couple weeks.

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