Friday, December 12, 2008

It's True!

When we were on our way home last week my good friend, Kelly, called and I was able to chat with her for awhile (not much else to do while you're riding in the car.) She said she had thought of me because she was listening to Midday Connection and Sara Groves was on it. The host was interviewing her about her new Christmas CD and they were playing songs from it as well. Kelly said she laughed and cried and loved it and that I needed to listen to it in the archives when I got home.
Last Thursday during the kids' naptime while I started my Fetching (see photo in post below) I listened to it. I laughed and cried and loved it. I loved it so much I listened to it again the next day during their naptime, after I listened to the interview with Fernando Ortega about his Christmas CD (also worth the time.) I then made Tim listen to it with me that night.
Yes, I am slightly obsessive when I find something that really gets me. What's your point? It's like when you put a song you like on repeat when there is a whole CD waiting to be listened to.
One song in particular really got me. I cry every time I listen to it. So I think you should to.
Click on the link.
"It's True" by Sara Groves

Do you ever stop to take the time and be truly in awe of what God has done for us? That He loves us SO much He would come to find us? I think so often we think of God as one of us, as our equal or just one of the gang. He came to be among us, yes, but He is not one of us. We underestimate His glory anymore.
In today's "seeker-sensitive" church culture I think we have taken away the wonder of God. We want Him to be user-friendly and fit our wants and desires. Have we forgotten that He is ruling over us in Heaven? He is so awesome that He cannot even show Himself to us in His true form. He was a burning bush when He spoke with Moses. When Isaiah sees just a vision of God, he has to use the word "like" because he does not even know how to describe His beauty and power. There are no words to describe Him in our language.
Don't belittle our God.
Don't take away from who He is.
Yet be in awe of Him.
His glory.
His beauty.
His mercy.
His love.
His forgiveness.
Then think of the fact that this awesome, wonderful, glorious God came to find you. He wants you to be with Him for eternity. He wants to adopt you in to His family.
Your jaw should be hitting the floor.
Your heart should beat a little faster.
It's ok to be teary or choked up.

It's true!

*If you want to listen to the Midday Connection program with Sara Groves' interview, click here.*


daniella said...

Well, as I was reading this, you've accomplished both in making me tear up and make my jaw drop.

Same to you - WONDERFUL post. Thank you for the reminder. One way I know He's tugging at my heart's strings this Christmas year is that I don't want any presents. At all.

I miss you already :-) You make sure and call me every time you're visiting anywhere near D.C.

Mandy said...

This was great.

I have to tell you that your header is so adorable! Wow. I love it!! Thanks for stopping by my blog this week!

Cammie said...

ohhhh, popping in to say hi from SITS and your header made my ovaries beautiful!!!!