Monday, April 28, 2008

For A Good Cry...

I was looking at a blog today by a woman who I was in a moms group with after Noah was born. She had a link to another blog and was highly recommending it. So what do I do but go to check it out?
I spent the next 2 hours crying off and on and being saddened, inspired, encouraged, and any other emotion you can possibly experience...except maybe anger. I don't think I ever felt angry while reading it. Anyways, you should check it out: The story is heartbreaking, but the woman who writes the blog is incredible. She sounds like the kind of woman you could instantly become friends with.
So go read it, or at least some of it. And have a box of tissues handy. You'll need them.


jptroast said...

WOW!!! im speechless...what a incredible blog. I cried and cried... It sure put things into perspective for me, at this moment in life.

Lacey Rumley said...

A friend sent me a link to that blog not too long ago, and I read through most of it. I think I reacted to it just like you did! It's encouraging to me to see people praise the Lord in the midst of their sorrows.

Amanda said...

I'm glad you did what I did and added a warning to your post, too...I don't think I've cried more in months than I have in the past few days. And I started reading that blog awhile back...yesterday's post just gripped me.

Lindsey said...

Oh my goodness, I'm right there with you! Did you watch the video that goes along with the song she helped write? Totally heartbreaking. I don't know that I could carry on with the grace, poise and unwavering faith they show!!

p.s. the hat you made for ellie turned out so cute! It looked like it fit her little head just right!