Thursday, April 10, 2008

Baby Update

I had an appointment yesterday and it went quite well. My protein is still high, but stable in that it didn't change from the week before. I hate going to an office where you have to see 3 different doctors because it seems that one of them is concerned and the other two are kind of neutral about it and you never know what you're going to get! My non-stress test was great. Ellie hates it so she is always especially active during that time which gives them the results they want to see. She also always gets the hiccups when it's being done, which is interesting to hear through the monitor. The doctor checked me and said, "You're dilated to 2 centimeters...oh, wait. If I stretch a little bit you're a at a 3." I'll take the 3, that's much more encouraging. That's 3 centimeters I don't have to worry about while in labor. I'm also 50% effaced.
So at this point in time I'm still supposed to keep doing all the tests and waiting for a baby. Technically there are 2 more weeks but I'm so uncomfortable I'm still praying it happens sooner.

1 comment:

Lacey Rumley said...

Hang in there, Andrea! 3cm and 50% effaced is a great place to start! Is your due date in two weeks, then? Did you go early or late with Noah, and what was your labor like? Lots of questions!...By the way, your post above made me cry! Thank you for sharing your heart!