Friday, April 18, 2008

I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet

Apparently today is the day for me to use song lyrics as post titles. This one is from Carole King. The one below, I discovered, is from Credence Clearwater Revival, but I screwed it up - sorry! It's actually "there's a bad moon on the rise." Oh, well.
Anyways, this morning I couldn't sleep (welcome to the most recent 3 months of my life.) I tend to get up around 3:30 and not fall back asleep until around 5:30 or 6:00, which stinks because Noah is up around 7:00. So as I awake this morning and sitting in the living room researching the correlation between a full moon and going into labor (I'm a nerd, I know) I felt shakey. I thought I was going to pass out or something. Then I realized our house was slightly shaking. I thought this was all in my head until I looked over at our windows and the blinds were moving back and forth. At this point, not knowing what was going on and not really caring to find out (honestly, I will say my first thought was that somewhere close something had been blown up or exploded and we were feeling effects from it) I quickly put the laptop away and crawled back into bed next to Tim figuring that if we were going to die then I wanted to die next to him. My thoughts and imagination can be slightly dramatic...especially when tired.
My mom mentioned the earthquake in Illinois while we were talking this morning and I got online to check out the news. I felt my first earthquake this morning! Silly thing to get excited about, I know, but when your days are spent with a toddler and waiting for a baby to earthquake can be quite the excitement of the day. I must say, though, that after finding out it was an earthquake I was disappointed it did not shake me into labor. Guess I'll wait on that moon still to see if that comes through for me.
I have LOVED this warm spring weather we're having. We are outside with Noah multiple times a day. Usually I take him out before lunch, after a nap and then Tim takes him outside after dinner until bedtime which gives me a chance to rest inside with some quiet. And having the windows open! Oh, the fresh's so nice to clear out a closed-up-all-winter-stuffy-house. When my niece, Wyndham, was born (3 years ago tomorrow) the weather was warm the day she was born. I can remember swinging by the hospital while Deidra was in labor and wearing capris and a short-sleeve shirt. When she came home a couple days later, we had been dumped on with more snow and it was cold again. I really hope to have and bring Ellie home during some nice weather. I can't wait for her to come! I'm getting impatient...


jptroast said...

Earthquake?? I was watching the news this morning and found out, we slept right through it!! crazy. No baby yet?? i thought for sure this week was the week. well, maybe this weekend.

Unknown said...

Annie i felt the earthquake was so crazy. I was in bed and like felt like i was moving back and forth and i was like yeah i'm not shaking my leg because sometimes i sit there and like shake my leg and i was like hm earthquake- turn the news on as i'm getting dressed and it was like there was an earthquake this morning. I was pretty stoked i felt it.

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