Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I Voted

Today I voted after dropping off Noah at preschool. I voted outside of the Republican and Democrat candidates and went third party this year. I felt great afterwards. I get so tired of comments like "I'm going to vote for the lesser of two evils" or the assumption that Christians have to vote Republican and whatnot.
I researched the candidates and found one that I felt I could stand behind. I think that in this election people are voting passionately. I was not passionate about McCain or Obama. I did know I was NOT for Obama, but McCain makes me feel jittery for some reason. I know many people who are passionate toward one or the other. My husband voted McCain; this might be the only time we have voted differently in an election. He thinks I wasted my vote yet at the same time respects why I did it.
I, personally, cannot wait for this election to be done. I think it's going to be closer than what the polls are predicting. Seriously, when are people going to stop looking at the polls? Take a peek back to the last couple elections when first Gore and then Kerry were supposed to have the presidency with no problems. I'm never polled and I don't know anyone who has been so I don't even know where they come up with these percentages!
By the way, didn't Madonna or Barbara Streisand or someone say they were going to leave the country if Bush won in 2004? Why are they still here? I guess Democrats can't always make good on their promises...

1 comment:

daniella said...

Good for you!!! Although I respect the candidate that is pro-life, I too am not a huge McCain fan. I like Sarah Palin though! She reminds me a lot of my mom.

Yeah, I'm sick of all the ignorant celebrities as well. So much so that I can't even appreciate their movie roles.

I hope I can vote next time around since I'm in the process of finishing my citizenship.