Saturday, March 29, 2008

Triage and he's back...

We picked up Noah tonight. We met my parents about halfway between in Portland, a little over an hour drive for us. He was thrilled to see us until we put him in the carseat to leave. The rest of the ride home was filled with him either crying or being crabby and angry. Unfortunately, it does usually take a day or two for him to get over his attitude of feeling like we "abandoned" him with Grampa and Gramma, even though he has the time of his life there. Hopefully tomorrow will run smoother than tonight.
Yesterday morning I spent in triage at the hospital. No, I wasn't having false labor or even thought I was in labor (though it would be nice...) I woke up and started to eat a bowl of cereal. Out of nowhere I developed this massive headache and started seeing small white spots all over. The headache was something my doctor had advised to watch for. I was supposed to ride into GR with Tim so that I could drop him off at work and then spend the day visiting people and getting last minute things I need for when Ellie arrives. Since Tim was supposed to be at work before my doctor's office even opened, I decided to call the hospital's birthing unit. After explaining the situation I asked if I could swing in and have my blood pressure checked, decided that if it was normal it was probably some worse than usual pregnancy headache and I could still go in to GR for the day.
We got to the birthing unit and the very nice nurse took us into triage where she then hooked me up to the fetal monitors and the blood pressure cuff. Explaining we would probably only be there for a few minutes, she took my blood pressure which turned out to be great. Ellie's heart rate was also holding steady in the mid-140s. The nurse then left to call my doctor.
She came back and explained that my doctor wanted me to remain hooked to the blood pressure cuff for a short amount of time to check it at certain intervals to monitor it to make sure it stayed low. She also said that since my bloodwork and protein test were now considered "old" (they had been taken 2 weeks before!) I had to get new ones. And I couldn't leave until the results from my bloodwork were processed.
What became a "few minute" check turned into two and a half hours. Tim and I watched "Good Morning America" and after that was done we switched over to the "Today Show" (of whose morning team I really do not like but they were interviewing Whitney Cerak and her family and the VanRyns so I did want to see that.) We watched Ellie's heartrate and the computer also monitor my contractions, which I was glad to see that my pain was actually registered as contractions - they're just not regular yet so they're not "real." The nurse came back and said they had to see Ellie's heartrate accelerate about 15 beats and stay that way for about 15 beats a certain amount of times before I could leave. They wanted to make sure her nervous system is mature by her moving causing her heartrate to go up to make sure everything was working together. This wouldn't usually be a problem except that Ellie had already had an active morning and was at that point sleeping, or at least resting. As soon as the nurse left, Tim tried singing to my belly. I have to confess I grew quickly annoyed by not being in the mood to hear "Row row row your boat" sung at my stomach. So I did what I thought would work. I began to move and sway my stomach as jerkingly as I could from side to side. That did it! Tim told me Ellie was going to be mad at me but I told him as long as her heartrate went up I didn't care where or how hard she wanted to kick me.
Finally, after getting the bloodwork results back and finding everything looked good, seeing an accelerated heartrate a certain amount of times and watching my blood pressure continue to actually lower while we were there...they let me leave. Along with a plastic bag containing the jug in which to collect my urine for 24 hours. Oh, the joy. So while everything else is looking good, I now wait until Thursday to see the results of my protein and whether it is still high like last time.
By then I will be 37 weeks and hopefully she decides to come soon. I don't know how much longer I can wait!


Unknown said...

Wow...37 weeks already! you can have her just about any day now! Thats crazy!

jptroast said...

hi andrea, i just realized when i was reading my blog that you had a blog. you are such a captivating writer, i spent over a half hour just reading your past post's,I will definitly keep reading.