Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Little Bit of Everything

We've had a random past couple of weeks. Last week we spent in Ohio at Tim's parents. He worked on his brother's house while Noah and I were able to do some fun things throughout the week. Deidra has started working part-time at their church and so Tuesday I baby-sat Wyndham, which was fun because she and Noah got along very well the entire week. It was great. Wednesday we accompanied Deidra and Wyn on their weekly playdate with a couple other women and kids from their church. We attended storytime at the library (which Noah only had the patience to last for about half of - so we went and read books and did puzzles in a different area) and then on to McDonald's for lunch and to get energy out in the playland. On Thursdays my mother-in-law watches Wyndham and so we took the kids and ventured up to Canton. Since I'm not having any showers with this pregnancy she wanted to still get some clothes for the baby just as she would any of the others, so we hit Old Navy and Gymboree and scored some good deals. We followed with lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Can I just tell you this is my favorite fast food restaurant and it makes me so sad that we don't have one around here. It is needed! Friday was just a play at home day and Saturday we took off.
It was a nice time. Deidra and I spent the evenings together as the guys would head back to the house to do more work after dinner and putting the kids to bed. They usually wouldn't be home until late. Noah also did great during the car rides to and from, so that is always a bonus.
My parents loved their cruise. My mom spent this week saying "A week ago on this day I was in _____________" (fill in blank with itinerary.) They debated leaving everything here to go start a kayak rental shop on some random island. I'm glad they had fun.
We have had many friends going through some rough times recently with family or relationship issues. It was a heavy week while in Ohio and receiving news of different things. I really feel as if satan is hard at work - and I have to admit that I have felt attacked by him this week as well in mine and Tim's lives after arriving home.
Tim and I have a big decision to make that I won't discuss now, so please pray for clarity and God's wisdom for us.
To end with, here are a couple belly shots that my friend, Christina of Grace Designs Photography, took of me while I was in my 7th month. They're funny to look at now because I feel about twice the size! I had a check-up on Tuesday and everything is looking great - my blood pressure is a little high so they're going to keep an eye on it, but after some of the stressors in our life I actually had a feeling it would be high. Jeana accompanied me and Noah as Tim was working and she enjoyed hearing the heartbeat and was a big help with Noah since he becomes very concerned when the doctor comes in. Just 7 more weeks to go!

1 comment:

Lindsy said... cute ~ Love the one with Noah! You are one brave lady....I never bare my pregger belly...except when Weston painted it like a jack-o-lantern when I was preggers with Griff :o)
Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! Sorry...I don't get that much "adult" conversation/visitors :o)