Friday, March 28, 2008

Relaxing Week

I figured I would blog more this week, having more free time to do it with Noah being gone. I guess there just hasn't been much to blog about.
It has been a very relaxing, and at times boring, week. I'm starting to really miss Noah, especially when I call my mom and can hear his little voice in the back. She said yesterday was a hard day for him in that he was highly sensitive and emotional and seemed to be asking about us a lot. I guess the time limit on all of us missing each other is 5 days, which is the longest we've ever been apart. So we might end up getting him tomorrow. We're going to play it by ear.
I got all of Ellie's stuff set up and clothes washed so she can come now. If only it worked like that. I do still have to pack our suitcase but I figure that part is easy, especially since I realize how much I overpacked the first time around. There are splashes of pink around now, between receiving blankets and clothes and whatnot. Tim is almost adjusted to it.
It has been a pretty non-eventful week. Tuesday night I visited with Stephani while the guys went and played basketball. I was able to fulfill the small part of me that once dreamed of being a teacher by helping her grade papers. Last night we bought the carseat (well, we picked it up but my parents technically bought it for us as what would have been a "shower" present if I had any- thanks Mom and Dad!) After we met Matt & Jeana at Barnes and Noble to visit. They asked if we wanted to go to Target and help them start a registry. They're going to do the Babies 'R Us one on their own but wanted to ease into the big store by doing a smaller one and having some help. So over to Target we went. Let me tell you, it is actually harder I think doing a registry for a child who will be about a year and a half because Tim and I were racking our brains trying to remember what they're using or are interested in at that age. Also, it's so much different with adopting from another country because we were saying, "No you won't need bottles because most kids don't usually use them at that age still" and then finding out that in China they don't wean their babies off bottles at as early of an age as we do and so she probably IS still using one. But it was fun and it reminded me of some last minute things I still need to pick up, which I will do today when I head into Grand Rapids with Tim. I'm going to drop him off and visit people, run errands, etc.
Then tonight we have a date! Probably our last one before Ellie is born.
I read an incredible book yesterday (yes, I did have time to read a whole book in a day...) It's called "The Shack" by William P. Young. It's fiction, but it gives you a ton of things to think about regarding God, the Trinity, where is God when bad things happen, etc. It was a book I'm recommending. Go read it. I think you can read an excerpt online at
So that's about it. We'll get our son back this weekend and then I'll continue to wait somewhat impatiently until this little girl decides to make her entrance.

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