Monday, February 16, 2009

Lovely Lady Lump?

I think not.
I went to the doctor today for a sore throat and a pain under my right arm. I figured the sore throat is probably just part of a cold (it is.) I assumed the arm pit pain was a swollen lymph node.
It's not.
It's a lump. And it hurts like the dickens. It's at the tail end of my breast (which, were you aware that the breast is tear-shaped, not round?) Because of it's close proximity to my pectoral muscle, it causes pain when I move my arm due to the way it rubs against the muscle. The doctor said he was glad I came in so that we can keep an eye on it. Right now it's the size of a pea and he said he won't worry until it's the size of a fingernail. I'm not worried. My mom and mother-in-law have had their share of biopsies and lumps and all have come out clear. If the pain continues beyond the next few days or if the lump grows any larger than I have to go in again. Please pray that neither of those situations happen.

Now for FUN news: Eleanor is growing fast. In the past two weeks we have experienced the following:
*Her first 2 teeth (they are the bottom front ones)
*The tubes in her ears
*She waves consistently "hello" and "bye bye"
*She "dances" (wiggles and shakes around - she loves music almost as much as Noah)
*Pulls herself up on everything
*Goes from being on her tummy to sitting up
...and the big one...
*CRAWLING! She had been leading up to it with the inchworm/army crawl but since Saturday morning when she decided to just up and take off, there is no stopping her.

She keeps us on our toes, that's for certain.


jptroast said...

we will be praying for you. keep us posted.

Lacey Rumley said...

I'm glad / impressed that you're not worried about the lump. If I were in that situation, I'd come home crying and absolutely sure I was about to die. I don't know why it's so easy to assume the worst! I'll definitely be praying that it's nothing to worry over!

And...GOOD JOB, ELLIE, with the crawling, and the teeth, and everything! Did the tubes surgery go well? I was thinking of you. Grace's surgery was SO fast and a quick recovery. I was hoping the same for Ellie.

Tara Bennett said...

That is big news. Prayers and hugs being sent your way.

The Allens said...

How is this lump thing going? I have thought of you several times now!
