Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What's Going On??

There must be some funky moon alignment or something is in the air here because my morning has been out of a dream. Proof:

*Noah slept in until after 7:30.

*The main floor bathroom is clean.

*The kitchen is clean.

*The last load of laundry is in the washer and the other four loads have been folded and put away.

*The dishwasher has been run and I'm letting the dishes dry a bit before putting them away.

*Noah didn't put up any fights about naptime but practically put himself to sleep.

*I swept and cleaned the deck off.

*I'm kind of having a good hair day.

*The weather is PERFECT! Low to mid 70s and sunny. We're in pants and t-shirts and not hot or cold....but just right. The windows are open and there is fresh air around the house.

*After 3 weeks the garbage company finally remembered to drop off the container for us so now we have somewhere to put our full trash bags until trash day instead of just outside the side door.

I feel like there should be eerie music playing in the background. I might even get a nap in with the way this day has been going.

And now...more excitement....prepare yourselves....

Cloth diapers! We have decided to switch, I admit mostly for economic reasons (in the end you can save more than $2000), but it does feel good to be environmentally friendly as well. They arrived in the mail yesterday and I am washing them up right now to get ready to use. I'll probably start them tomorrow. Even if you're not a fan of cloth, you have to admit she looks pretty darn cute in that flower diaper cover. With her in cloth and Noah pretty potty trained at this point (he just wears EasyUps to bed at night now) we should be saving about $80/month.

And now...I think I will take a rest.


Amanda said...

what i've learned from days like that: take it and soak it in before it's gone!!!! :)

Jenkins said...

I am sending you a super mom cape. The house together, kids together and cloth diapers! Seriously impressed (and maybe a little jealous). As I sit here typing, the boys have made a giant fort in the living room with every pillow and blanket they could find. My house is not together and the kids are not together. And I am having a bad hair day. Oh well, we will try again tomorrow!

daniella said...

Oh, please please please tell me where I could find the best ones. We're at a point where we either by Pampers and eat rice and beans for a week, or switch to cloth. And by the way, my mom says she potty trained all 10 of us by the time we were basically one because of cloth diapers...and constant reinforcement and consistency. So, I'm game. Where did you get them and what's your best advice? Muchos gracias!