Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Trees, Kids & My New Favorite Website

My friend, Rachel, came over to help me do this mural. I love the color combination of blue and brown. I have for a few years now...before it was actually popular. I was pairing blue and brown when it wasn't "cool" to as I was nicely told by a former co-worker. I also love fun little birds, vintage birds, songbirds...again - and Tim is my witness - this was before they were even the trend (I'm starting to feel like if I was in Hollywood I could be a trendsetter.)

So, even though it looks like I'm following a trend, I have actually had this idea in my head for some time now and was just waiting until we had a house and a nursery to be able to do it. I especially like the little bird flying over to the tree. I painted the tree; Rachel painted her birds.
While we're in picture mode, let me throw in a couple recent ones of the kids.
More bird.Noah has not become Indian, or Buddhist, with the red dot on his forehead. Instead, he got excited to see Tim returning from work one day last week. Tim was holding a drill in his hand and before he could stop it from happening, Noah ran smack into the drill bit. We're glad he didn't hit it any harder, or that it didn't hit his eyeball. I'm also noticing he has my "crazy eyes" as I call them. When taking pictures, one eye becomes smaller than the other.

Why, yes, she does still have red hair. And we love it.

And, my new favorite website: LOVE IT! I went to Target and got some FREE items last night and plan on going to a few other places tomorrow and nabbing some more stuff. What is great about it, in my opinion, is that it hooks you up with a lot of really great deals on the things that usually cost our family more at the grocery store (i.e. toilet paper, shampoo, soaps, toothpaste, etc.) If I can get this stuff for free or close to it, I'm a happy woman! Check it out.


Lacey Rumley said...

The mural is beautiful - good job! And I'm trying really hard not to be addicted to I LOVE the deals! What did you get at Target?

Erin Morgan said...

The mural is absolutely beautiful! You did a great job! And I also love the blue and brown. Way to go, trendsetter! :)

I'm sure I've shared this link with you before but because you like the birds, I'll share it again.

This gal is a friend of my sisters in Nashville, and she makes the the most adorable kiddie onesie and shirts (she embellishes patterns on pre-made shirts and onesies) :) And her logo is a little birdie, and she has a couple of designs with birdies in them. I have a few things for Finnegan and they are all made with love and super cute!