Monday, October 05, 2015


We've been leading our small group from church for the last 4-5 years.  There have been changes within it as families have moved away or new families have joined.  The transitions have always been very seamless.

The people in our group have been faithful prayer warriors.  They've been listening ears.  They've shared wisdom and knowledge.  Together we have dived into theology and studied books of the Bible and people in the Bible.  Every Monday (besides summer, school breaks, and Michigan weather days) we have gathered in each others' living rooms and walked through our time of study.

It's been great.

Tonight, however, was mine and Tim's last night meeting with them.  We have recently felt like God is pulling us toward our neighborhood, the people we live around. Who are they?  After 7+ years living in our house, we don't honestly know some of their names!  So often we're so wrapped up in ourselves that we haven't even considered the lives and souls of the people within our walking distance, the ones that are writing the same street name down on forms they fill out when asked to give an address.

We don't know what this looks like.  It's scary for me as it is outside of my comfort zone.  I don't mind meeting new people now and then.  To really put yourself out there, though, and try to invite new people into your life is a bit vulnerable.  Yet we want to walk in obedience to what we believe God is telling us to do. 

When we met with a couple from our group over the weekend to hand over the reigns to them, they commented on how they pictured the small group being our "sending group."  When missionaries leave to enter the field, they typically have a "sending church" that is backing them financially, prayerfully, etc.  I loved the picture of this group that has spent so many years together being the ones kind of sending us out into a new endeavor, covering us in prayer. 

Transitions in relationships can be difficult.  We will still see our small group friends around church and town and in life, but it will be a little different.  Not every Monday night will be spent in their company anymore.  Yet we'll be connected through prayer and I'm grateful for their relationships in our lives. 

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