Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday Words

I'm going to start writing again.  Blogging, at least.  Regularly.  I'm committed.  I have it figured out in my head.  One of my obstacles is time.  How do I find time to sit and write?  It's not that I don't have a million things floating around in my head waiting to come out.  Thankfully, and I'm admitting this, I'm going to take advantage of the automatic settings where you can publish certain posts on certain days.  I'm also giving myself topics for days so it doesn't feel so overwhelming and will be easier to be motivated.  So here's a possible schedule I think I'm going to go with - don't laugh because I'm using corny daily titles.  It makes it easier on my brain.  :)

Scripture Sundays
Monday Mumblings
Tasty Tuesdays
Wednesday Words
Thoughtful Thursdays
Fun Friday, or maybe Photo Friday
Silly Saturday

I'm not going to post those as titles, it just gives me a routine and you can have an idea of what to expect.  So for today's words...I give you the Ernest Hemingway quote above.  Get ready for me to bleed again. 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Good! I've missed your blogs! I appreciate your honesty. Happy blogging.