Wednesday, August 06, 2008

My Brainstorm

In the shower yesterday (because that's where all my good ideas come to me) I had this lightbulb go on in my head for an idea I've been thinking about but have been wondering how to make it work.
Then it hit me.
Stay tuned for details.
Jen Docter and Lydia Harrison - I already know I'm going to need something from you so be prepared to hear from me soon.
Is the suspense killing anyone yet? Hee hee hee hee.

1 comment:

Jenkins said...

Funny how the shower is the best place for thinking and big ideas! If only I could stay in the shower longer without hearing little voices asking for me or their little eyes staring at me; no privacy and very little quiet time.

Waiting to hear the big idea...
What could it be? A new ice cream flavor, a robot that does your laundry, the cure for stupidity?