Thursday, April 19, 2007

Updates and Ramblings

So we are NOT moving now. Tim is calling today to turn down the job offer. It seemed so good in the beginning, but after driving out to the Ann Arbor area last weekend to check out housing, etc. we started feeling unsettled. I think the fact that we couldn't find affordable housing was a way of God saying, "Stop. What am I showing you?" Which then led to 5 days of deep prayer, contemplation, seeking wise and godly counsel, weighing options, etc. Last night Tim said that he did not feel comfortable taking the job and he wants to stay over in West Michigan. I support him in his decision, as I would have supported him if he said he wanted to go. I want him to be happy in his career because it in turn makes our marriage and homelife better. I'm sure the feminists would hate me, but my husband is the head of the household and I am happy to let him be that.
We were talking the other night about the lessons God has been teaching us during this time and there are so many. There is one in particular that I am glad about, and that is the quality of our marriage. This job offer has urged us to speak more openly with each other, and honestly, and has improved our way of communicating with one another. It also has brought us closer and there is a completely different atmosphere when we are together. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments. I know how nervous he was about the interview and that he did it and was offered the position is a huge confidence booster to him. I am proud of him for the way he wants to provide for our family, not only financially, but in every way that he is able. He is the most loving man ever and I couldn't want a better husband (and he's an outstanding father!)
The weather is absolutely gorgeous today! Sunny and warm, a bit of a breeze, but it feels great. When Noah wakes up from his nap I think we'll go for a walk. Get these winter-laden bodies moving around.
I love watching Noah as he grows. He has been in the silliest moods lately. Everything makes him laugh. As I was putting him down for his nap he was laughing as he rolled onto his belly and clutched his blanket to him. The simple amusements in life. I am so excited to experience with him the different things I did growing up. My parents live in the same house I grew up in and their driveway is dirt. When my sister and I were younger, after a summer rain, we used to run around outside in our underwear (my sister in her diaper) and splash in the mud puddles. There are pictures of us sopping wet and covered head to toe in mud and dirt.
We also used to have "pajama dates." My sister and I would be in our pajamas, ready for bed in the summertime, and my parents would say, "Ok. Let's go to the Frosty Boy for some ice cream!" We would go in our pj's and enjoy a nice evening treat. First, Noah will have to get to the point where he can have dairy, but it is a fun idea all the same.
So that is what is happening in our life about now. My niece, Wyndham, turns 2 today. We are celebrating on Sunday and my in-laws are coming into town for the weekend. The time has gone so quickly watching her grow. We will celebrate Noah's second birthday in August.

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