Monday, April 30, 2007

The Need to Create

I felt a crafty mode coming on last night. It was started as I took my trusty knitting book, Stitch and Bitch off the shelf to look for a pattern (great book. If you are a knitter, it's a must have.) We are going to visit some of Tim's relatives this weekend. Two of his cousins just had babies within the past few weeks and I wanted to make them the Umbillical Cord hat. As I lazily looked through the patterns I came across some other things I wanted to create. This then led to me taking all my knitting books off the shelf to mark pages of patterns I want to try. Two of the items at the end of Stitch and Bitch are actually sewing projects. I realized that, alhtough I did not have enough scrap fabric laying around for the needle case, I DID have enough for the knitter's bag. Woo-hoo! I cut fabric last night, Tim created a design for me to sew on the outside, and I went to bed dreaming of needles, thread, yard, and the hum of a sewing maching.
This morning I got to work as soon as Noah was settled in his high chair with breakfast. I made the bag and am SO pleased with it. It was super easy, which is necessary for me since I just touched a sewing machine for the first time when I got it for my birthday in December. I realized, though, that it does not have a zipper, and when I went to transfer the items in my current purse over, they would be strewn about the bottom of the purse. This led me to pull out Stitch and Bitch Nation (the wonderful sequel) and find a pattern to fix my problem. As soon as Noah went down for his nap, I went to work on knitting what is supposed to be a little evening purse, but I tweaked some things and made it into a cute little catch-all accesories bag. It's the perfect size! It fits my inhalor, lipgloss, Tide To-Go pen, and the ever potent Listerine
strips that make you gasp for air as if you were dying, but leave you with that fun mouth tingle afterwards.
I have more projects to be worked on throughout the week and have already asked my knitting soulmate, Rachel, to borrow The Happy Hooker (don't worry, it's about crochet) to get some ideas from there as well.
On a side note, it was beautiful weather here in West Michigan this weekend. Yesterday we took
Noah out to the Rose's house (a family from church.) They live about 2 minutes away from us and have horses and 2 week old kittens that they said we could bring Noah out to see. He LOVED it, especially the kittens. He's a cat guy so far, which isn't great because we'll never be able to have indoor cats. Maybe when we have a house again someday he can have an outside cat.


Lacey Rumley said...

Thanks for your comment! We will definitely keep "Iris" in mind - what a sweet name! (I do like Ellie a lot, too, though!)

Don't worry, I didn't think you were a stalker! I find it fun to get a glimpse at people's lives through their blogs, and yet, I don't always comment. :-)

Your Noah is adorable, by the way! And I love your knitter's bag. I wish I was crafty like that!

Playtah said...

Yay! You are so creative! Love the bag and purse. And tell Tim his design was great!!!! It reminds me of a geometric tree with a bit of Greek influence!