Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm Not Laughing, God

Dear God,
Today was a hard day. I thought that when I agreed to watch these boys it was because You had divinely orchestrated everything to the most minute detail. Now I'm not so sure. Maybe I was reading into things that weren't there.
Maybe You're giving me the hardest possible time so that later everything seems easy...or maybe You're just messing with me this week.
Well guess what? I'm not laughing.
As if it was not rough enough waking up after just below average hours of sleep, Noah was still sick. All night either Tim or I struggled out of bed to go calm our whimpering child, wipe his nose, and rub his back while telling him everything was ok.
Then the backup for the kids I baby-sat for couldn't do it today because she had a doctor's appointment and then had to work. So over to my house trot an energetic 4 year old and a teething and sick 9 month old.
You watched as my sick child wanted to cling to me for comfort and as he fought the 9 month old for my attention. You watched as the 9 month old wailed everytime I set him down. You watched as I sat in the bathroom crying during one of the two times I was able to use the toilet.
And it all happened on the day I started my cycle, with cramps ripping through the front of me and pain stabbing my lower back.
Still not laughing.
After they were picked up, I headed to my chiropractor's appointment while Tim took Noah to the pediatrician's office. It was at my appointment that I saw the x-ray pictures of my back and what horrible shape my lower back and upper neck are in. No wonder my lower back has such pain. Now I have to see the chiropractor three times a week for the next month.
I called Tim to find out how Noah's appointment was. I thought for sure he just had a cold. No, instead he had his very first ear infection. Not only that, but he has bronchialitis and has to use an Albuterol inhalor with a spacer mask.
All on the day before we're supposed to leave for Tennessee.
I would like to cry again.
No, God, I'm not laughing today. Not close. However, I will now take some time to look at the good in my day to see where You were at.
I thank You that we took Noah to the doctor instead of just trying to "wait it out" to see if it was a cold. You were with me giving me strength through the day to keep going, when all I wanted to do was give up. You are able to heal Noah's illnesses and the shape of my spine. You were doing a happy dance with me as I found out that Amoxicillin is free at Meijer and we got some awesome discounts with our HSA on the spacer mask.
You showed me that blessings come in small packages through a 4 year old who was a mother's helper today. Without Sam I would have gone crazy with the two younger boys. He was able to distract them for short amounts of time so I could fix lunches, give a bottle, change diapers, etc.
Even though I'm not laughing tonight as I reflect on the day, I'm thankful. I'm thankful that I can still see You within the moments when I feel as if You are not there.
Please heal my son. Please let tomorrow go better. Please give Tim and I rest tonight.
Thank You for another day to praise You.

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