Monday, September 10, 2012

This Man

I love this man.

Some days I don't like him at times.  I know deep down, though, that as the moment passes and both our tempers cool down, we're still standing side by side, hand in hand.

I love that he was courageous enough to let go of his college education, four and a half years in, to provide for his family at that time.  God blessed him by showing him that what he was seeking a degree in was not what he wanted to spend his life doing.  Instead he wanted to paint.  Restore.  Build.  Create.  Use his hands and tools. Use the talent he has been given.  Leave a white collar world for a blue collar status and be happy in it.

I love that he interacts with our kids.  He gets down and plays with them.  He listens to them.  He gives them baths, reads them a story, prays with them, and puts them to bed at night.  He disciplines them.  He takes them to the store, gives them a piece of wood to draw on or build a robot out of.  He involves them in what he's doing as much as they are able to.  He teaches them.

I love that every single time in the delivery room, he was in tears.  It didn't matter if it was our first baby or fourth baby, the wonder and awe of a life being brought forth was overcoming to him.  I love that the first thing he did was lean down and kiss my head every time and tell me what an amazing job I did.  I love the coach he was.

I love that he thinks I'm beautiful whether he comes home to find me in my yoga pants and a t-shirt with a bare face, or in jeans and a nice shirt with make-up and earrings on.  And he tells me every single day.  I love that he can see past my inside ugly moments and know there is beautiful in there struggling to come out.  There are days I don't even like myself, but he loves me still.

I love the passion he has for seeing others grow in their faith.  He wants others to see their potential in Christ, to know that in life the best parts are taking the leaps of faith.  They are scary moments for sure, but he has experienced God's awesome blessings and provisions by walking forward, believing that God will come through on His promises.  He loves rejoicing with others who get to experience those miracles as well. 

I love his hugs.  I love falling asleep next to him.  When I experience an anxiety attack, I lay my ear on his chest and listen to his rhythmic, steady heartbeat and it calms my own.  I love when we spend an evening laughing together, or an evening in quiet while in the same room, as we are now, each doing his or her own thing.  The occasional comment or question aloud, but with a soundtrack of silence.

I love this man.



Dee said...

It makes me happy that you & Tim have such a deep love! Miss you!

Unknown said...

We think he's pretty wonderful too!

The Rose Girls said...

So great, I might have just cried a little. I look up to you two!
