Friday, January 29, 2010

Stop the Hormonal Rollercoaster...I Need to Get Off

My emotions during this pregnancy have been pretty in-check. I'll admit, on Christmas night at my in-laws', each family took a different chapter to read from The Jesus Storybook Bible (we each had a copy with us. I think it's kind of funny that we all even own a copy of the same Bible for our kids!) that revolved around the Christmas story. I read aloud first and it was the chapter about Jesus being born. Yeah, try to get through that one without crying. I was a mess.
That has pretty much been the extent of my emotionalism. (Is that a word?)
Until a couple Saturdays ago, when I became the Jekyll/Hyde of pregnancy. All I can say is that I'm thankful my husband is patient and wise.
I returned home from a quick Meijer trip and found the kids had already finished their lunches, been cleaned up and were down for their naps. I was looking forward to making a bowl of Campbell's Tomato Soup and loading it down with Townhouse crackers...because, as Tim says, I tend to eat more along the line of crackers with some soup rather than soup with some crackers. Anyways...
I heated up my soup and poured it in the bowl. Tim was in the kitchen cleaning up from lunch still as I opened the cabinet and pulled out the box of crackers which seemed very light. I looked inside.
I turned to Tim and asked, "Where are the crackers?"
Not noticing the possible eruption ahead he said, "Oh, I gave the rest to the kids with their lunch today."
"Why is there an empty box in the cupboard?"
"I must have forgotten to throw it away."
"How am I supposed to eat my tomato soup with no crackers?! Why would you put an empty box back into the cupboard? I can't eat my soup without my crackers!"
At this point, he stops wiping off the dining room table to actually look at me. "Well, I saved you some leftovers meatballs if you want those instead."
I opened the fridge and pulled out said meatballs. There were a few. I looked for the mashed potatoes. None.
"Where are the mashed potatoes?" I asked.
"I finished them off with lunch," Tim answered, his voice growing afraid.
"I can't eat these meatballs without the mashed potatoes and I can't eat my soup with crackers!"
At this point I am seriously crying and at the same time wondering what has possessed my body to make me act this way as even I can tell I'm being truly ridiculous. Yet I can't seem to overcome it.
Tim bravely suggested, "Maybe you should lay down on the couch for a few minutes."
Still sobbing, I threw myself on to the couch and covered myself with a blanket (because I'm so not dramatic.) I lay there crying for a minute.
I woke up an hour later. I don't even remember falling asleep but I must have been out of it pretty hard because Tim said I was snoring. And I don't snore. Except while pregnant with this baby.
I was so embarrassed when I woke up and quickly apologized to Tim for my irrational behavior. He forgave me and said he knew I just needed some sleep. This was, obviously, true.
This pregnancy has been something else. Two months to go and I'm hoping to be able to overcome "crazy, pregnant Andrea" within that time.
We'll see.


daniella said...

I'm laughing my fanny off because it's as if I was taken back in time and read a script from when I was 6 months pregnant. Almost to the T.

It's as if I couldn't stop saying all the ridiculous thing, even if it saved my life. I call it "Hormone's Muppet". That's what I was. Totally looney. It will pass and Tim will never remember it (I hope). Josh already forgot.

Funny thing is that I was not like that with Charlie at all.

Amanda said...

I LOVED this!!! SO normal, SO annoying!!! :)

Jenkins said...

Gotta love those moments!

That is hilarious!