Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Secrets of the Belly

I was walking through Meijer today and, out of the blue, was struck with the thought of how amazing pregnancy is. I hated my first trimester since I was throwing up every day and fatigued while chasing a toddler around the house. Now that I'm in my second trimester, I'm doing prenatal yoga - which has helped in that I have not had any lower back or hip pain - and feeling great (well, I still haven't found the second trimester energy I had with Noah, but I think it's due to, again, chasing him around. I can't just nap when I want to.)
Anyways, I was thinking of how when I am out in public people look at me and see a pregnant belly. Many women will look at my bulge of a belly and then look up and give me a sweet smile, some even ask questions. While at Meijer, Ellie decided to wake up and become active and all I could think was, "People look and see a belly, but they don't know what's going on inside. These kicks are just for me, like my own little secret I share with my daughter." Sure, sometimes she kicks my bladder, or settles down on to it for a long winter's rest and it is at those times I think of how it is a foreshadowing the stresses and pains she will plague me with when she becomes a teenager. Yet most of the time I cherish these moments. I love feeling the movement, her own little underwater ballet. I know that as the pregnancy progresses, and by the time I hit the ninth month, anyone and everyone looking at my stomach will be able to see her movements popping out in an alien-like way, but for now it is just me and her. Well, and Tim felt her for the first time last week on my birthday but hasn't been able to feel anything again.
I don't know what she is doing in her little room in my womb. Maybe she is sucking her thumb or trying to stretch. I wonder if she enjoys listening to all of us talking to her, or if she can feel (probably not) Noah pat my belly before he goes to bed and say "Night Ewwie." I wonder if she feels a sense of calm when Tim talks to her at night or when I share my secrets and dreams with her during the day.
I can't wait to meet this little mystery inside me. I can't wait to see the secrets she holds that only God knows right now - what she looks like, what her personality will be, is she completely healthy or are there medical mysteries in there as well? For now...for now I cherish my daughter and the secrets she carries and movements she shares with just me.

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