Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Smoking or Non?

I am conservative, tend to vote more Republican based on my moral beliefs because, yes, they are a big deal to me. I don't believe abortion should be legal, I don't believe gay marriage should be legalized - you can call me narrow-minded. That's ok. I just prefer to stand firm in my beliefs like the people who think the opposite of me do as well. I have family members who have had abortions and some who are gay as well. I don't not love them. I just don't agree with their choices. But those are not the issues on my mind today.
Why in the world are the Republicans in Michigan's Senate choosing to ignore the warnings of a U.S. surgeon general report? They have thrown a recent smoking in public places ban to the place "where many bills go to die." (See article at http://www.wzzm13.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=84874)
Why? Why? Why? Don't they know how long I have waited for something like this? To be able to go into a restaurant and sit down in a non-smoking area that is truly non-smoke filled? Do they actually think 3 feet of space and a half-wall between two sections is enough to keep the nasty, lung-killing secondhand smoke away? What heaven it would be to go into a restaurant and come out smelling like how you went in! What a glorious and brilliant idea to be able to take my pregnant, semi-asthmatic self along with my toddler to a place where they just automatically seat you in clean air!
I want to find a Republican that opposes this ban and kick him. More specifically I would like to find Republican Leader Mike Bishop and interrogate him. "Oh, hello Mike. It says here, that you think workplaces should be free to decide whether to allow smoking or not, and government shouldn't interfere with private businesses. Did you realize how hypocritical you just were? Did you want the Democrats to attack you? They will tell you that you don't think a woman should have the right to her own body in the case of an abortion but a workplace should decide whether or not to kill the rest of the public by allowing the slow killer Second-hand Smoke to fill their lungs?"
I am not real sure where to stand politically anymore. Republican, Democrat, Moderate. There are issues that I have with both the major parties. The word "moderate" always makes me laugh. Before an election I tend to browse all information on candidates that I can get my hands on so I can make a decision that I feel good about.
Some of you might not even think this ban is a big deal. I have had two grandparents die from smoking related diseases so to me it is a huge deal. I have never in my life smoked a cigarette or had a desire to. If I am not putting this crap in myself, why would I want someone else to do it for me?
Ban the secondhand!
(Sorry, Journey pastors, I really have been listening to the "Words" series. Some of the things said in this post are not kind, like kicking certain Republicans. It is something I'm passionate about, so it is true and kind of necessary.)

1 comment:

Lindsy said...

Yeah, smoking or non-smoking in a restaurant is about the same as the peeing or non-peeing part of the pool ~ HA!
I'm with you all the way on this post...smoke makes me sick so I try to steer clear of it as much as possible (although the irony of the nurses and doctors on a "smoke break" outside of the hospital never ceases to amaze me.....just shows you that some "educated" people are really foolish).