Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Dreams Miss Me...

You know the commercial for the sleep aid that has Abraham Lincoln and a groundhog and says, "Your dreams miss you?" I have felt like that until recently. I have not slept well lately, waking up every two hours or so, getting to bed late just about every night for the past week, I had a panic attack in the middle of the night on Friday. However, the past couple nights I have had the strangest dreams. Both nights I dreamt one of my cousins was pregnant. She's not married and I don't even think she's dating anyone, so I'm pretty sure it's just a dream. Last night I was being chased by Yogi, one of the tattoo artists on the TLC show, "Miami Ink." He was beating up a different cousin and I was trying to protect her and then he came after me. Crazy. There were many more weird things happening in my dreams, but they would be too confusing to explain. I didn't want my oddball dreams to miss me, just the normal ones.
The Oscars are on tonight. I have to confess that I always feel a small pang of jealousy when I see all those girls on the red carpet. I'm not jealous of their weight or beauty, just the way they get to have their hair and makeup done and get all dressed up for the night. How fun! I used to LOVE prom and homecoming and feeling like a celebrity for a night (without the diamond jewelry and paparazzi...although my mom did take a lot of pictures.) So tonight I will turn on the TV and think, "Wow, that dress is gorgeous" or "Yikes. All the money she has and she is wearing that??" It's my entertainment for the night.
I think about how Queen Esther spent a year in preparation before seeing King Xerxes. I think that would be awesome, but on the other hand, it would give you that much more time to stress about becoming a queen. Even still, she is one of my favorite Biblical people and I admire the strength and courage she had.
Time to get dinner on. Chicken and sweet potatoes coming our way tonight.

1 comment:

dmarks said...

Nice post. I've had dream experiences like that. And thanks for the good food thought at the end.