Friday, November 22, 2013


There is a dishwasher full of clean dishes to be unloaded.  Dirty ones pile in the sink waiting for their time.  I have stepped over beloved blankies abandoned on the floor before breakfast.  A small pile of matchbox cars has been left on the bathroom sink after the owner's hands were cleaned.  A stuffed puppy dressed in doll clothes rests anywhere but a small girl's bed. There is a house to clean before Book Club tonight, food to make, things to plan for church nursery this coming Sunday, and a skit to still write out and perform on that same day.
There is a minivan that needs to be cleaned out before embarking on a Thanksgiving visit.  There is more food to make.  A co-op Thanksgiving lunch following practice for a Christmas program needs to be attended.  A simple kids' Christmas program sloppily rolls around in my head and needs to come out onto paper so it can start being practiced this Sunday.
I have little doubt that each home has similar messes, schedules, commitments, and a sense of overwhelm.  I haven't slept well for days and since I haven't had my shower to clear my head yet today, it's in a fog.  I am cozy wrapped in a big knit cowl with a big slouchy knit hat and a hot cup of chai.  I want to close my eyes to everything I see and pretend it's not there for a little bit.
And you know what?
I'm going to.
I'm not going to neglect it all forever, but I'm going to delay it.  I need to take a moment to be quiet.  Be still.  Rest.  Gather strength.  Gather some of HIS strength.
Thanksgiving is now less than a week away and it is the start of a flurry of what can be a very rushed, stressful season.  Not for me.  Not this year.  This year I will take the time. 
When the first real snowfall happens and those big beautiful flakes greet us as we open the curtains in the morning, I'm going to stop and enjoy it.
When kids climb up with a cuddle and blanket and book to read, I'm going to set aside the phone, laptop, notebook, whatever is taking my attention at that moment, and be snuggled with them.
When friends gather at our home to visit, I won't stress about clearing the table quickly after the meal, getting the dishes in the dishwasher, and trying to set a "perfect" atmosphere.  Because a near perfect atmosphere is when we're all together laughing, sharing, and enjoying each other...whether dishes are piled on the counter, left on the table, or nestled in the dishwasher.
I have the day ahead to clean my house and make food.  I know me - I'll have a schedule laid out by the end of the day that will help me get a grip on the things that need to be done before next Thursday.  I do want to be a good steward of my time.
But for now, so that I can enter everything else with calm and not stress and anxiety, I'm going to take the next few minutes and enjoy my chai and some quiet (with the background noise of kids playing happily downstairs - a good soundtrack indeed!)
And I would encourage you to do the same.  Take a few minutes and rest.  Continue to do so every day.      

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