Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Belly

This is me at 38 1/2 weeks. Tim took them last night. The update is that I'm dilated to 2 cm. Woo-hoo - 2 down and 8 to go! The doctor told me that if I come in on Monday for my next appointment and have dilated to 4 but am not showing signs of labor then we're going to look at something to help get things rolling. I'm assuming we'll start with the whole membrane stripping deal...joy. I guess it's better than Pitocin. I dilated a centimeter and a half in the last week so that's why he's keeping an eye on how quickly things are happening now.
Personally, we're just praying it happens soon. By the weekend. Now would be great.
And, yes, I know, I'm not even to 40 weeks yet, but this pregnancy has been something else on my body and I'm ready to be done. We're also more than excited to see what this little munchkin looks like.
Can you tell I got my haircut? Yep, chopped it to my chin right before Valentine's Day. I love it. It's so easy and the best part? (This will probably be disturbing to some of you.) I can wash and dry it one morning and then not have to wash it again for another 2 days and it looks better each morning I wake up. There are times I could pull off another day, but then I get to feeling disturbed. I remember reading that you should really only wash your hair one day a week anyway to keep it healthier, now I just have a hairstyle that will actually let me do it! It will be perfect for after baby is born and I don't have time to shower let alone wash my hair for a couple days.


Chaeli said...

Andrea, I pop in and read your blog every once in a while, you have such a cute family! I wanted to tell you that I'm jealous you found a hairstyle you only have to wash every few days! Kids keep you busy in the morning and I would LOVE to not have to shower every morning- but if I don't, my hair looks greasy by that afternoon. Yuck.

daniella said...

What you can do with your short hair I was able to ONLY do with mine when it was long. When it was short I had to wash it every day.

You look adorable, and belly is smaller than I expected.

Jenkins said...

I like the pictures, the hair, the belly...
You look like the picturesque glowing pregnant momma!

Lacey Rumley said...

Andrea, my friend, you are absolutely beautiful! You look so amazing! And I do love the haircut. Did you cut it yourself this time, or did you have someone else do it? And, like Chaeli, I'm jealous that you can skip washing every day. My hair gets greasy-looking, too. YUCK.

I keep checking here to see if your little guy has arrived! SOON! :-)