Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Music/artists we've been listening to lately:

The Avett Brothers - folk; my childhood friend, Rachel, introduced us to their music. This is one of our favorite songs. Tim said it reminds him of him and his brother.

Matisyahu - I remember seeing him on a news morning show back in college but it wasn't until a few years ago that Tim heard of him from our friend Matt and was instantly a big fan. Ever heard a Jewish reggae artist? Most of his songs have a Biblical/Old Testament base to them, lots about the qualities of GOd.

Sondre Lerche - The past couple times I have been to visit my friend, Rachel B., she has had the Dan in Real Life soundtrack playing. I found it for cheap when Circuit City was going out of business and snatched it up. Love it! The embedding is disabled on most of his videos so you can check out a couple of our non-soundtrack favorites by clicking here for "Phantom Punch" or here for "Two-Way Monologue."

Sufjan Stevens - I have had his CD, Greetings from Michigan: The Great Lakes State for a few years now but just broke it out and started listening to it again recently. His music is different so not everyone enjoys it but, hey, most music is like that. Though not under a Christian label, many of his songs have the Christian undertone. David Crowder remade his song "Oh, God, Where are You Now?" I love that on this CD all the songs are about Michigan towns (it's his homestate) and have titles like the video below "For the Widows in Paradise, For the Fatherless in Ypsilanti" or "Detroit, Lift Up Your Weary Head! Rebuild, Restore, Reconsider."

Katie Herzig - I found her album Apple Tree on Derek Webb's free music download site Noise Trade. I think there is something about her voice that keeps us listening to it.

Fiction Family - I waited almost two years for this CD to come out, since I first heard rumor of Jon Foreman from Switchfoot and Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek teaming up. It delivered everything I hoped it would. I hope I don't have to wait two years for the next.

Tim has also been listening to the new Mat Kearney CD along with Tenth Avenue North and really likes both of those.
Anyone else have music sugestions?

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