Wednesday, October 01, 2008

So It's Going To Be One of Those Days...

I had a morning where you look up at Heaven, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and ask God, "Really? Can I just have a break for a moment?"
I thought the start to the morning was great. Ellie actually slept in until 8:00 and Noah slept until 8:30. This has not been done in a long time...maybe never. I had promised Noah last night that if he went to bed like a good boy at Matt and Jeana's (who baby-sat him for a little bit and then we visited for awhile after returning to get him) then he could have chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. He went to bed with no problems and so this morning I made pancakes. After cleaning up the breakfast mess, I started on dinner because I am making potato soup in the crockpot today (it's the first day of October, perfect fall weather...what better than a crock pot meal?) At the same time I am talking to Jeana and not hearing any crying so I'm assuming things are good throughout the house.
Right before getting off the phone with her and right after finishing throwing all the soup ingredients in the crock pot, I look at Noah who is singing and dancing around the kitchen. He is dressed only in his underwear and pajama top and instead of pants, his legs are covered with blue marker. There are stripes drawn up and down one leg and the other leg is covered with dots. I sigh and am thankful tonight is a bath night.
Finally I drag myself into the shower. As I am in the shower the lights start going on and off. Oh, yes, that's my son playing with the light switch. Grrr. There is only so much I can do with shampoo suds covering my head so I tell him firmly to stop and even start to count. Before I can get to "three" the lights he is playing with go off completely. Well, isn't that great? I remember the difficulty Tim had last time he was messing around with the circuit breaker trying to do something in the bathroom and that was with me helping by yelling down the stairs "no" every time a light other than the bathroom one went off. Not wanting to deal with it by myself, I figure I can use the bathroom in the dark until he gets home.
After I shower I give Ellie her bottle. Now, she is a baby who spits up quite a bit, although as she has started eating more baby cereal it has gotten a (little) bit better. I have actually been able to make it through a full day with both of us in the same outfits we started it in. Today she smiles and laughs at me and then spits up all over the front of her outfit as well as my own (which, thankfully, was just a t-shirt.)
I take her upstairs and, as I am changing her, Noah - who has joined us by this time - stops jumping on his bed and starts to make a grunting noise that I know well. I am frustrated because not one hour before this, we had been clapping and cheering and eating a cookie due to the fact he pooped in the potty all by himself and then told me afterwards. Plus, he is (and this might be too much information if you're not a mom but if you are, you understand) a regular pooper. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon and that's it. Today he has started the day with an explosion in his diaper as soon as he woke up. This was followed by his potty poop and now this! I tell him to stop and go use the potty but by this time it is too late. I tell him instead to stand in one place until we can go into the bathroom, so that it doesn't get mushed around in his undies. I turn back to Ellie and finish buttoning her outfit, which is a bit too big because I don't have many long sleeve shirts in her size. I put her in a 6-12 month outfit instead and figured, who cares if the legs are only a little too long and the sleeves are over her hands? It just helps them stay warm, right?
I put her in her crib and she promptly starts to scream because it means she is not going to be held at the moment (future diva?) I turn back to Noah and he is wiping his hand back and forth across his nose. It takes me a moment before I notice his hands, cheeks and nose are covered in blood. He gets frequent nosebleeds just like I did as a child (and still do when the weather becomes drier.)
"Look, Mama, a nosebweed," he informs me. He is an expert at this time with them.
So I pick him up under his arms and, holding him at arm's distance, carry him into mine and Tim's bathroom. I first take care of the nosebleed and then the dirty underwear fiasco.
What a morning, what a morning. I'm kind of nervous to see how the afternoon will go.

On a side note, what do you think of the new blog design? I was checking my friend, Traci's, today and saw she did a makeover on her's. I went to the same site and found one I liked (her's is super cute - it's a background called Warm Cider. Mmmmm.)


Heather said...

Oh, I've had those days, too! I'm hoping your afternoon has been much more peaceful and explosion (either spit-up-wise or diaper-wise) free!

I'm crock potting dinner today too! It's a super-easy recipe for chicken and stuffing, and it makes the whole house smell wonderful. Potato soup sounds yummy; I've never tried that in the crock pot!

Also, I don't know what your blog looked like before, but I like the current design very much!

Cheers from a fellow SITSta!

BITRCountryGirl said...

I have those kinds of days all the time! I'm not a parent...well I have "fur babies" that keep me on my toes, does that count?....but I totally feel your pain. I hope your day starts getting a little bit better?!

BITRCountryGirl said...

I forgot to add that I really like your new layout too. :)

daniella said...

Oh, bless your heart hun!

That is quite a morning. At least Noah didn't take his poop and smear it all over. I've heard plenty of those kind of stories from, Angie's little Kate pooping on the kitchen counter. I see quite a few of those in my near future with my little rascal so I'm bracing myself.

I was watching the Oprah show today and it was about that School principal mom who forgot her two year old in the car for 8 hours and died. Although I'm not an Oprah fan, I couldn't stop watching. It was about moms that just feel way too overwhelmed. I cried because I feel like that everyday! Just today Charlie ran away from me at Target and took off one of her Pediped ($30!) shoes while I wasn't looking and lost it. Then she fell and got a huge bump on her head in the kitchen appliances isle.

But then I watch a show like "18 and counting" or "Jon and Kate + 8" and say: what am I complaining about? God doesn't expect me to be perfect as a mom. He just wants me to slow down and take it a day at a time. Or better yet, a moment at a time.

I'm just glad to be able to actually yell looking up at the sky and tell Him that it's too much. I know He hears and then gives us little tiny breaks here and the kids sleeping in till 8:30! I noticed that He likes to bless us the most when we notice even the littlest blessings.

daniella said...

And yes, your new layout is AWESOME! I like it a lot.

mckeefamily03 said...

I do love the new background, and I've been there done that with those days, and I am still sure there are more to come. What's being a mom without them, right? Elaina was a major spit up baby, too, multiple outfits a day, and now that she has hit 9 months, it seems to have majorly ceased! I hope the rest of your day was better!

Jenkins said...

Oh you have to love those kind of days. You feel like one moment you got it together, breath and then it is not.

But I have to say the I love chocolate chip panckes and potatoe soup. Making me hungry just to think about it.

Like the new design.

Amanda said...

Oh, the wonderful days of motherhood! :) These are the days we'll look back at and tell our kids 'YOU OWE ME!' :)
Love the new layout. What is the site you used?

christina said...

WHAT A DAY! I had those days as a nanny, so although it's not the same as being a Mom, I definitely can relate to that feeling of wanting to pull your hair out and just leave the kids to themselves (although I never did or never would do that!). On second thought, it may even be worse as a nanny...because they're NOT your kids! We've had those talks...
I hope your afternoon went better. :)

christina said...

Oh...and I LOVE the new blog layout!! Remind me to tell you about my idea for my new blog. It's been in the works for months, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Ronnica said...

Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day yesterday!

I hope that today is not another one of those days...