Every so often I like to thank my in-laws for their son. I write a quick email to let them know what a fantastic husband and father he is. I let them know details or little things he does to make us all feel special and loved. I thank them for raising a hard worker and instilling good values in him.
I do this because I am thankful for Tim. I'm sure there were times when he was growing up that he was not an easy child. I'm thankful for the prayers they said to help him grow into a godly man. I am thankful they welcomed me into their family. In marrying Tim I immediately gained an extra set of parents, a kind and generous older sister, wise brother-in-law and two wonderful nephews, and a thoughtful and beautiful older brother and sister-in-law that I was blessed to have spent the first few years of our marriage in close proximity to.
Is Tim's family perfect? No, of course not. Neither is mine. We all have our flaws and weak spots. I can't choose the family I was born into. I could choose the family I married in to. I think they're pretty incredible overall. Since I married Tim I have also gained two more active nephews and two adorable nieces. Who knows how many more may come (that one is up to you, Deidra, since I think Kristen feels done with four.) =)
So if you haven't done so yet - go thank your mother-in-law (or your father-in-law, too.) You may not have a good relationship with her or you may count her as a close friend. Regardless of how you get along with her, she brought your husband into this world and raised him. That in itself deserves your appreciation and gratitude.
Also, I want to wish my mother-in-law a very happy birthday. We love you!

Aw, Happy Birthday, Joyce! (yesterday) :)
That's a good reminder. Thanks!
On another note, in regards to the comment you left on my post, I know what you mean; but I can tell you that you're doing the right thing. Nothing is more important than raising your babes in a home that offers abundant love. I love clothes and decor and being able to entertain with friends over, but, nothing is as important as family and putting it first. I like to think that one day God will somhow reward or even give us a break in some ways. I know He won't let us down :-)
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