That's mine and Noah's nickname for her. He gets a kick out of calling her that, though when he says it, for some reason he says "Bewwy Ewwy." I think he might inherit his dad and my dad's dyslexia.
Eleanor Lee turns 6 months on Sunday. I can't believe how fast the time is flying with her. In the past two weeks she has been sitting up consistently on her own, inchworming along the floor, rolling all over the house, and chattering like a little bird. Yesterday she got her first tooth! I was checking out her mouth and there it was on the bottom - you can tell it had just poked through.
Today I took her into the doctor because she was wheezing when she woke up this morning. She has a "cold with a wheeze." The doctor described it as a little more than a cold because it's in her chest as well, but not showing any signs of RSV or something more serious. He gave me three things to watch for. The real kicker is what she was diagnosed with that I had no idea of - a double ear infection! Poor girl. She doesn't seemed bothered by it but is on some amoxicillin now. I have to confess: I used to love that stuff as a child. When I picked up the prescription from Meijer and brought it home I almost wanted to open it and take some myself. Weird, I know.
So there's the latest on our girl. She will hopefully be dedicated in November, but I haven't heard any dates for it yet so I don't know if they're still planning on one or not.

Aww, what a sweetheart. A double ear infaction? Poor thing. My doctor told me that sometimes babies get a middle-ear infection if they drink their bottle laying down flat where some of the liquid seeps in. Who knew?
Cute! I can totally relate on the Amoxocilan thing. Yum yum bubblegum:) Sophie has the same onesie! Their dads definitely DO rock:)
They are too cute. She must be one tough girl, cold, ears, teeth and handling it all like no big deal.
I cannot wait to see you guys. Everything I think about Noah, it makes me laugh.
Oh my gosh...they are so freaking adorable. That picture on your header is killing me it's so cute! I remember the days when mine were little and every little tic, wheeze, or cough made me panic! I'm amazed that with an ear infection she isn't crying all the time. Hope she gets feeling better soon. And thanks so much for stopping by my blog on my special SITS day. It was so much fun to meet so many new people!
Aww! Sorry she's sick :(
Thanks for stopping by and commenting today. Your kids are precious. I used to nanny for a little girl named Ellie and her dad called her Ellie Belly too! I hope she gets to feeling better soon.
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