Friday, September 11, 2009

Great For Kids...And Adults!

My sister-in-law posted a link for this on her Facebook page recently and I thought it was great.
They're called Seeds Family Worship and they have CDs that are Scripture set to music. The music is really good, really catchy, and even Tim and I enjoyed watching the videos and listening to them (you can listen to all the songs on their website.) Every time I woke up last night to use the bathroom or toss and turn, there seemed to be one of the songs in my head. At first I thought, "Oh, no. I hate when this happens with songs." Then I realized that for these songs - it's a good thing, since we're told to meditate on Scripture and to teach it to our children.
Here is one of their songs. It's Psalm 55:22: "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous fall."
*I'm not sure why the video picture is off, like it's too big for the screen. It's not like this on the website.*

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