*ETA: early April 2010, somewhere in the first week.
*Our reaction: shell-shocked for a couple days and then excited. Now we can't picture our life without this little one.
*I am a little over 8 weeks along and wasn't planning on telling for another month but a friend who knew mentioned it on his facebook page and I figured I should tell before getting confused and curious questions from our mutual friends on my own page (darn those social networking sites!)
*No, I haven't been to the doctor yet. My first appointment is September 9th and I plan on using a mid-wife in the hospital.
*Yes, I have morning sickness. Haven't thrown up yet - thank you, God! - but sometimes I just wish I would so that the nausea would go away. The other thing I'm fighting against is exhaustion. Being pregnant and chasing two little ones is HARD! I'm looking forward to the start of preschool and the second trimester.
*Yes, the kids know. Ellie has no idea what we're talking about and Noah is extremely excited. He is already requesting a boy.
Please be in prayer with us as we tread through to my appointment. After experiencing a miscarriage of one birth, I feel like I hold my breath through the pregnancy. I let out a little bit at the first appointment when I hear the heartbeat and then a little more at the 20-week ultrasound. I can't fully breathe until the baby is delivered and in my arms. This is the first time since the miscarriage that we have announced it without first having extensive blood tests or ultrasounds done to be assured before twelve weeks is up. Tim is confident everything will be fine. It's nice to have a husband that is calm and sensible. =)
Congrats!! I am so happy for you!
What?! That is so exciting!
Congrats and we will be praying for a happy healthy pregnancy, momma and baby.
And for some energy!
We are so excited to have another little Ross around! Love you guys!
That is so exciting for your little family. Congrats to you!
Annie - we could not be more overjoyed for you and Tim and the kids. You both are such godly parents and I know that this baby will know that right away. I am glad I wasn't the one to spill the beans since I got rid of my facebook. :)
YEAH!!! Oh mt I am soooo shocked!!!! I need your address - we need to send you something in the mail! :-)
Congrats you guys! You make such adorable kiddos! Hope your morning sickness gets better soon :-)
Courtney Kingshott
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