Over Labor Day weekend, Tim and Noah tried camping out in the tent in the backyard one night. They went out around 9:00 that night and at 10:45 I was woken up when I heard Tim bringing Noah back into his bedroom and then he climbed in bed next to me. Apparently our backyard is not the place for a 4-year old to camp out. There were a lot of lights he was asking about, a lot of noises, the bullfrogs and crickets were insanely loud that weekend and in less than two hours, Noah was in the house twice to use the bathroom. We'll try again next year - maybe at a real campground.

Noah has been having, for quite some time now, frequent nosebleeds. They happen at random times - when he's playing, sleeping, walking, etc. We had to take him in for blood draws last week - NOT a fun experience. It was the only time I have ever cried taking one of my children in to an appointment (well, besides Ellie's tubes surgery.) They were testing him for bleeding disorders. The pediatrician called today to say all the results came back great - yea! - but now we have to see the ENT specialist to find out what's going on with his nose.
Other little things in our life - Tim's brother and his family have moved back to the area after another hurtful experience by a church. Although we're heartbroken they had to experience what they did, it's nice to have family near us again.
STATS, the high school abstinence program I help with, is back in full swing again. I should be finding out in a few days what students I have on my team. I'm looking forward to meeting the new ones this Sunday and hopefully seeing some familiar faces.
We have a wedding to attend this weekend. We're excited for our friends and it should be a great time. We'll be able to visit with some people we haven't seen in awhile.
In less than three weeks, I'll be meeting up with my college friends, Jen and Kelly, to attend the Hearts at Home conference. We're having a Moms Night Away and I could not be more excited than I am right now...unless the conference director was to call us and say we won one of the drawings we signed up for. But even if we don't win, it won't detract from any of my excitement.
Tim and I are at a great place in our marriage. I'm not saying it can't be better - marriages always take work and can always find places of improvement - but I am saying that we're the closest we've ever been. Everything we've been through in the past couple months, and it's felt like a lot, has been for the good of our family as we've drawn closer to God, and as a result, to each other. Hurts, persecution, surprises and struggles are tiny blips in a bigger story. We praise Him for what He has done in our lives.
We are building connections at our church. Tim has been on a men's overnight camping trip and spent a morning playing paintball with some other guys from there. I'm looking forward to the ladies Bible Study that starts next week. I just wish we could memorize everyone else's names as quickly as they are able to remember our's.
Oh! I keep forgetting to mention the project! A few weeks ago now, I met with the director of the Lakeshore Pregnancy Center. I had a wonderful meeting with her and also got to meet the volunteer coordinator. I presented them with an idea I had, but stressed how I really was just wondering if they had a way of letting the moms know they are loved, cared for, supported, etc. I think too often in our Christian culture, we're very pressuring when it comes to not aborting, but then we don't walk with them through the rest of their pregnancy when they make a decision to keep their baby. God's timing is, of course, amazing. The director told me they had been trying to figure out how to develop a ministry for the moms when she got my initial email. We tossed around a couple ideas, prayed with each other and are going to keep in contact as the idea grows and forms. I told her that I would like to get through my first trimester since I've not been feeling the greatest before I throw myself into it and she said that was fine since they just moved into a new building and are still unpacking. Through the wonderful support, encouragement, and help from the girls in my small group - who want to be involved in any way they can - I think it's going to be awesome. I also have the support of our church who are eager to know how they can help as well, so I have a lot of people on board! I'm so excited to see how God is going to use us for these women.
So that's our life right now.

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