Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Handsome Boy

August 16th, 2005

August 16, 2006

August 16, 2007

August 16th, 2008

August 16th, 2009
This was the only non-completely blurry photo from your actual birthday so I wanted to also use one from the day before since it's clearer...
August 15th, 2009
...However, you're really into making silly faces right now so this is the best I can find. =)
Happy birthday, Noah (a day late but we had quite the busy and fun weekend!)
It has been a joy watching you grow and learn year by year. You are full of curiousity and you are all boy - dinosaurs, trucks, planes, trains, camping gear, nonstop movement and daredevil tricks that make my heart stop. You are a great big brother. As you start to navigate these 4 year-old waters that are as yet unchartered in our household, remember that Daddy and I love you and thank God for you every day. We are trying our hardest to raise you to know and love the Lord and we love listening to your little prayers that are so pure and honest.
Love you lots,


Pepper Blossom said...

i forget every year that you had noah right before we had micah. i remember now that randy and deidra were in the hospital visiting you and just jumped right over to our room down the hall. happy birthday noah!

Jenkins said...

Happy Birthday!
What a big boy!
He is so adorable!