Sunday, August 09, 2009

In Regards To...

I wrote a post last week titled "Hard Stuff" (don't bother looking for it.) In it, I described the thoughts that Tim and I are working through as we think about "church." I spent three days writing it and even had an outside source (not Tim) check it before posting it to tell me whether or not if was offensive because that was not what I wanted.
I deleted the post Saturday morning after receiving a phone call the day before. The caller told me my post was "arrogant", "hurtful" and was causing discord within the church. They also criticized me for claiming that my way is the only way. After talking about it with Tim we thought it best to remove the post since there were some people that were not taking it the right way. Until that point, I had had no idea since the comments that were left on it had been encouraging, supportive, and a few even said that they were working through the same thoughts.
It was certainly NOT my intent to be mean-spirited, hurtful or arrogant. And while I am sorry that it was taken that way, I told Tim that I can't apologize for the issues I brought up or wrote about. After all, this is my blog where I do the following things: write updates about our family, and bring up issues in my life I'm dealing with/working through/struggling with. I don't expect everyone to agree with me - when I write about my anti-abortion stance, I can think of one of my high school friends who doesn't agree with me and reads this blog. I have posted my thoughts on birth control pills, which I know many of you don't think the same about. I have wondered about fertility methods and whether we should try to control how many kids God gives us. I have talked about how much I love using cloth diapers and I'm sure that grosses some of you out. It doesn't mean that any of my thoughts or opinions are "the only way" to think on these or that I expect everyone to agree with me.
The things I wrote about with the church have been in my head for a loooong time. This is not something recent. Nor is that fact I wrote about them. I have wrote about music in the church before, wondering what is it that determines "worship" music, and also why in most modern churches today we don't sing hymns anymore? Does the music at a church determine whether or not I want to go there? Absolutely not. It's not a "make or break" issue for me. When I go to a church, do I feel my heart is becoming more prepared when it's quieter with a variety and I can hear the people around me? Yes. But until the church we've been attending the past month, I don't know if I've ever attended a church like that. For me, it comes down to the preaching. I like it from the Bible and about the Bible.
Tim and I don't even know if we are going to end up deciding to go to church within a building. These are things we're talking through and learning about. What did the New Testament church look like? We both come from a mindset that church is for a community of believers who are encouraging each other and equipping each other to go out and make disciples. We think that if Jesus was in flesh on earth today, His church would be smaller than the megachurches. I don't think it's quantity that matters, but quality.
Are those who consider themselves Christians actually following Jesus? His teachings are not always fun to hear. We may not want to agree with some of them, but we can't question Him either on why they are that way. I have to admit that just about 4 months ago is when I feel like I came to know Christ for the first time. I grew up in the church and knew right from wrong and good from bad and what to say, do, volunteer with, etc. It wasn't until I started taking Scripture to heart and realizing the seriousness of it that I felt I finally got it. It was when I realized that I needed to start living with an eternal perspective. Thankfully, Tim was experiencing a lot of similar things at the same time so we have been able to talk to each other a lot about all this.
My post before was not to criticize the church - especially any particular church - but to ask questions. The verse that caught mine and Tim's attention and woke up us was from Revelation 3:15-17:
I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
We realized we were living as lukewarm Christians, although if God is going to spit the lukewarm out of His mouth, than can they even be considered Christians? We knew we needed to change our way of living and our perspective. So that's what we are doing. Yet we are concerned when we look around us and see so many people living the same way we were. This is why we desire challenge in the church, why we think that the people in the church should be courageous, to be constantly growing and learning more. It's not a "we hate the church" thing or "we hate your way of doing church." It's wanting to see churches kick the butts sitting in their seats into a deeper, growing relationship with Christ. If you are attending a church I wrote about before and you feel that church is helping you to do those things, then that is fantastic. I just know that those churches aren't doing that for Tim and I as we grow in our own personal studies and as we are challenged in our small group. I have talked to many people around me as well who are struggling with all the same things and wanting more. That is why Tim and I feel there is a type of shift, a revolution as Tim says, that is on the rise.
That's why we are desiring to live differently, to not follow a pastor or follow a church but to follow Christ. The only way we can know how to do that is by studying the Bible, His Word He left for us.
So I am sorry if anyone took my last post in a hurtful way or were offended by it since that was not the point. It was never intended to be harmful but I can see how when things are written and not vocalized, tones can be mistaken. I think part rests on the reader as well and where their thoughts are on the matter. If they disagree with me, I can see where they would think I am attacking when that is not the case.
I hope that, in whatever church you find yourself, you are being challenged, you are growing, you are desiring God, you are learning to live with an eternal perspective, and you are choosing to live differently. Most of all, I hope that you are following Jesus.


daniella said...

I can say a lot of things about this post. But the most appropriate would be: AMEN!

You hit the spot right on. Some complain because they like their comfort zone and don't like it when it's challenged. Jesus never meant life for His followers here on earth to be comfortable.

Meg said...

I don't think people have the right to call you and complain about your posts. I mean if they don't like what you have to say then they can click the little red X and close the window. I commented on your last post and I think what you had to say was honest--you were trying to work through some issues. Kudos to you.

Don't let any of this bother you. I wish you and Tim the best of luck finding the right church for you two--to each their own, right?

Unknown said...

Amen, Amen, Amen!

God is stirring many hearts to change, and to look to Him, serve others, and love each other. I look forward to hearing more of your journey!

Trisha said...

That last comment is from Trisha. Oops...I was signed into his account!

Paul said...

The Bible is clear - we're called to an extreme faith. The problem, at times, is that we take that to the extremes. In our extreme following of Jesus there needs to be balance - and we probably all struggle to find balance on the issues you're talking about.

We can be focused on unchurched people and helping them take steps to follow Jesus and say that we're going to challenge Jesus-followers to grow too. But, if we lean so heavily on the side of reaching the unchurched, some Jesus-followers may not be challenged enough to embrace the all-out life of being a believer.

On the other hand, we can say we're going to be about fellowshiping with other believers, and growing deeper through the study of His Word and "go out" and make disciples. But, so often, people are growing deeper in their knowledge AND more disconnected from anyone who is not following Christ. They aren't "going out" anywhere.

Can both happen? I think so. But, ultimately it's up to the believer. Will they personally grow in their faith as a self-feeder or not. I think someone can fellowship with believers at church and study the Bible in depth AND "go out" to make disciples. But, it takes a great deal of intentionality and focus to not become inward focused.

And, I think someone can go to church where there are lots of unchurched people and the message is biblical, yet topical, and they can invest in people and help them take next steps, while growing themselves - IF they are growing personally through consistent Bible study.

It's somewhat about preferences, and personal responsibility. We're ALL called to GROW, to GO, to be GENEROUS, to SERVE (couldn't think of another "G" word).

I always think about churches that are totally different than ours - and I think, "as long as they are proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, their 'style' is needed and I want them to be blessed - because they'll connect with people we never would".

(by the way - my capitalization isn't supposed to resemble shouting :-)

BexxT said...

Oh Annie! I want to apologize for the person who felt the need to be hurtful to you when your original post was clearly a well thought out position about you and your husband. It was clearly an important topic to you and it is your right to talk this out- BECAUSE this is your space! AND so may of us are working through the same things.

It is like when I talk about my fear of pregnancy because I may get fat. It sounds so vain and stupid and horrible... but when I mention this irrational fear, so many women will agree and say I feel the same way- but was too scared to say it out loud for fear someone would mock or judge me.

Granted the situation is different- but when it comes to religion people come into the discussion with their fists up and their heart closed. Which is EXACTLY the opposite of what a christian is supposed to do.

I love you and even though we disagree on a whole list of things- I still respect your belief and stance and I admire the way you hold true to them.

In the long run, that is what is going to matter. Are you a good person and do you love god.

The Allens said...

Oh wow! I have not been on your blog in a little while! However, I did catch that post and would not have thought twice about it being hurtful! It is your blog, your journey, thoughts, etc. There are lots of ways to offend people and we really cannot keep thoughts to oursevles if we are to grow. We need community to interact with our journey to push us on! Please do not let this phone call hold you back! In fact, I would say that it was meant to hurt. Interesting that they decided to jab instead of open up a dialogue in love. I beleive that I saw love coming from the post! We all need to allow others the space to wrestle with our thoughts no matter how far out there they may seem to be! Write on sister!

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