Monday, October 13, 2008

Stress Knot

I'm feeling kind of down today, to tell you the truth. It's not too bad. I'm just coming off a rough last week and a horrible weekend. This morning hasn't had the energetic start I was hoping for, but at least my children are napping.
I volunteer as a team leader for a local high school program. The program sends groups of high school students, who have interviewed and been accepted, into local middle schools to talk to the students about abstinence from drugs, sex, alcohol and tobacco. Last week I had to sit down a girl on my team and find out she had lied during her interview and there are other things involved that I can't really get into. I had to be part of the decision to take her off the team and out of the program. I thought drama was mostly for high school students...until this weekend, that is.
I was in my cousin's wedding this weekend. It was horrible. The groomsmen were completely drunk and obnoxious. They had a "party bus" to take the wedding party from the ceremony to the reception. I didn't realize this meant we would be driving around for an hour wasting time so people could get wasted. At one point I was so disturbed by the things going on that I almost asked the bus driver to stop and let me off at a gas station. I figured I could just call Tim and have him come pick me up. In the end, I thought it would probably be safer for me to just ignore what was going on around me on the bus then having to be alone in the middle of a city I'm not familiar with while being dressed up in a strapless bridesmaid dress.
The best man speech was so humiliating, raunchy and inappropriate that after 15 minutes (yes, 15 minutes) the groom finally asked him to stop. I think the main reason he asked him to stop was because people started yelling at him to "shut up and sit down" or "hand over the mic" among other heckling. The best man was extremely disappointed and said he had so many other stories to share. When will best men realize that they're being asked to give a toast to the couple - not a roast of the groom? That should be covered at the bachelor party. Even that 15 minutes contained charming words like: fornication, penis, gay (mentioned several times) as well as music and a striptease (I'm so glad they stopped him when they did!)
The rest of the time I was there was a disaster and I won't go into the details because they still hurt. My time there was cut short because my kids were starting to fall apart by 9:30 and we still had an hour and a half drive back to my parents', so we left right after dinner.
So, besides all the other morals of this story that I can't get into - if you are a guy, don't give dumb best man speeches. Just say "So-and-so and so-and-so are great for each other. It's fantastic to see the love between them. I wish them all the best. Cheers." Also, don't drink. It's so unattractive as well as nothing but empty calories. I used to have a drink every once in a while when around friends, but I don't think I have any desire to touch any form of alcohol again.
I have this knot in my back, behind my right shoulder that flares up when I'm extremely stressed. It surprisingly has been dormant for some time, but since last Friday it has been non-stop pain. I need a massage therapist. Or a lot of heat on it. I think I prefer the massage therapist.


daniella said...

Yikes!!!! That IS a rough weekend. When was it ok for men to become boys? Whatever happened to being a gentleman? I desperately want to say "femminism" caused a huge part of men acting like stupid little boys, but don't want anyone reading this and bombard my blog with rude opinions about MY opnions. Oh whatever, bring it on!

See? God is guiding you and giving you discernment on how to raise Noah; at least you know what to do and what NOT to do!

To bad we don't live closer, I see us getting together, drink hot tea or chocolate and chat away or just READ! while our kiddos are doing Lord knows what :-)

Ronnica said...

Yuck. I'm not sure I would have handled that very well!

Erin Nunn said...

Oh, Annie! I was just reading through your blog, which I frequently do, because I love hearing about your family and everything "new" the kids learn! Just great! Read through this "old" one, ugh! Painful... sad... Just wanted you to know I think of you often! Miss you tons! Even though we're so far apart, I still think of you as a great friend!