Friday, October 03, 2008

For Aunt Deidwa

Noah loves to sing. He sings about everything. He sings songs that he has learned and he sings songs he has made up. He sings this one when he is in the bathtub and the water is draining. We call it the "No More Bubbles" song.


508 North Market Street said...

It must be in the genes:-) That's so cute! I love how Noah he is completely oblivious that someone is watching him. I love catching Wyn in those moments too. So precious....give Noah and Ellie hugs for me:)

508 North Market Street said...

Ummm,,,,the last comment was from me, DEIDRA...I have another blog attached to my email address...hence the weird name:)

Jenkins said...

Okay, I want to pop through the computer and squeeze him! He is so precious. Don't you just want to freeze moments in time and keep that moment fresh. It is wonderful that songs are just a part of his day.

Unknown said...

That is so stinking cute! i have a few videos of my daughter singing & dancing in the tub when she was about a year... need to get them posted before my laptop dies on me...