I have referenced this book often and for good reason. It is helpful and full of good patterns. Today's featured book is Stitch 'n Bitch:The Knitter's Handbook by Debbie Stoller. This is the book that really was able to get me started on knitting. She explains things in a very easy way, along with diagrams and pictures to help clarify. It is a witty book as well. And if you are slightly disturbed by the name, you can always do what a friend of mine did and write "complain" on a piece of paper and tape it over "bitch." Same concept.
You can find out more by going to the website. Also in this book grouping you can find Stitch 'n Bitch Nation (also in the knitting section of my bookshelf), Son of Stitch 'n Bitch (offering patterns and projects for men), Stitch 'n Bitch: A Knitter's Design Journal, and Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker (another very good book for those of you who like to crochet.)
And we are not going to take the time to get into which is better - knitting or crocheting. I think both have their advantages...
Has anyone else used this book for any projects?
LOL! I want to buy this book just for the title! Thank you for the heads up and congrats on your SITS honor!
I'm looking forward to reading your posts!
This book is great... I've used several patterns out of it... a purse, a hat, want to make the devil hat for a friend - great stuff - easy & hard projects!
What a funny sounding book, I think I will have to amazon me one too!
I'll have to look into this book!
Congrats on the SITS honor!
Oh I SO need this! I love knitting but am so stuck. I can do a scarf and that's it!
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