I started March by blogging every weekday and sometimes on the weekends. I was the featured blogger for two blogging communities, SITS and the Blog Guild within one week. I exhausted myself with blogging. It has been a busy March!
April is around the corner and there is a lot going on. Easter at our house, Ellie's first birthday party, Ellie's first birthday, a trip to Chicago to celebrate one niece's birthday and the other's dedication. Family will be visiting at times and we will go a-visiting at other times. Fun times ahead accompanied by lots of planning.
Amidst all this, I feel a hunger for growing. Instead of blogging during naptime I would rather be reading a book or listening to Moody Bible Radio broadcasts or watching a Francis Chan sermon. I have broadcasts bookmarked in my favorites from Midday Connection that I can't wait to sit down and listen to. I try to read my Bible in the morning but there are times I don't get to it before the kids are awake and so I want to make sure that during naptime I am digging into the Word. Our small group leader, Dan, was talking recently about how there is preaching and teaching. Preaching is for the non-believers, to lead them to Christ. Teaching is for the believer, to help them grow. Our church is great with preaching but lacks with the teaching. That's why Tim and I enjoy our small group so much - we are actually all hungering for more of God and teaching. We are studying the book of John and encouraging each other in our walks of faith. I need to be taught right now. I need my time in the Bible and I need the teaching from pastors and speakers I respect. I guess I'm feeling a bit Baptist at the moment and in need of a little hellfire and brimstone which is funny because I've always teased Tim about his strict upbringing.
Yet as I spend more time studying, I feel less fear about my future. I trust God more. I have hope and the peace that passes understanding. I know that "this world has nothing for me" as we sang this morning at church in the song "Rescue." I give more and more of me over to Him because I realize that nothing is in my control. I am a sinner...but I am saved by Grace.
It has been interesting to see during this tax season how little Tim made last year. We are well below the median American income. Yet we feel rich. Our bills are being paid, we have no debt, we don't spend time worrying about Tim's work in the future. We know that God will take care of us because He has shown us time and again that He does. We have looked at our wants to see they would be nice, sure, and fun, but not necessary. Our perspective has changed. What is important?
I have been reading the book of Jeremiah. A couple weeks ago I came across these verses (5-8) in chapter 17:
Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
who depends on flesh for the strength
and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
He will be like a bush in the wastelands;
he will not see prosperity when it comes.
He will dwell in the parched places of the desert,
in a salt land where no one lives.
But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.
Where is your trust?
I am sure that over the next month I will jump on and catch up on people's blogs. After all, it is how I stay up to date on my nieces, through Deidra, or friends' pregnancies, which is at least three of you. =) I will also most likely put up a birthday post for Ellie just as I do Noah every year.
Until May...