After waking up (well, after Noah waking us up by throwing books onto the bed and telling us he wanted to read) we read books in bed together followed by the unexciting breakfast of cereal. We played in his room for a little bit, singing and dancing and making puppets sing and dance as well and then I wanted to do my prenatal yoga. I convinced Tim, who had been complaining of sore muscles from playing basketball the night before, to do it with me to help stretch out his achey muscles. After quite a few moments of hesitation he said he would try but stressed the keyword try. Noah settled in at the kitchen table with some crayons and coloring books while Tim and I launched into prenatal yoga. I do a 2-part DVD straight through, but he stopped after the first one. I was impressed he made it that far! He did admit to feeling more relaxed afterwards.
After I finished the rest of the workout we piled on layers of clothes to play outside in the snow since it was sunny and looked beautiful out. After wrestling Noah's snow clothes on him (why does it have to be so hard to get everything on kids? I have to use a specific order to put everything on to make sure clothing stays exactly where it should be and mittens don't fall off later.) we ventured outside to find it was a frigid and bitter day. We played outside for a bit anyways, making snow angels (I opted out) and throwing snow at each other (not in the form of snowballs though since it was too cold, more like throwing powder at each other.)

We finally brought out red cheeks and noses in to settle down with some hot chocolate and a snack. Tim decided to take Noah with him to run some errands and buy a cheap sled so I was able to enjoy some time alone and get myself ready for the day.
I made lunch when they got home and Noah, after using the potty (he always wants to use it after lunch and we think it's in order to stall naptime but who cares as long as he's using it?) finally was tucked in for a nap. Tim spent the next hour or so making business networking phone calls and I listened to a CD my mom gave me with a sermon on it and then grabbed a quick couple-minute nap. My friend, Kelly, called to chat and announce that she is 12 weeks pregnant. I thought this was funny since the day before I had actually had one of those "feelings" that she was, kind of randomly. So we talked about pregnancies and how she also is trying for a natural birth this time around, how we've been feeling, etc. Tim and I are so excited for them! I was telling my mom later on the phone that it's weird to have transitioned from when all of our friends were calling to say they were getting married...then you get calls and make calls on being pregnant for the first time...then everyone starts calling to announce their second pregnancies. I'm feeling older and older. =)
I have been craving breakfast foods recently so last night for dinner we had crepes, turkey bacon and scrambled eggs. It was yummy. Tim took Noah outside to play with his new sled after dinner while I cleaned up. When they came in, I made hot chocolate for them (again!) and then started making brownies (I would say chocolate is my other craving...but that's a craving even when I'm not pregnant.)

After Noah went to bed Tim and I settled on the couch with our brownies, ice cream, and the last Dave Ramsey DVD in the Financial Peace series. We were on the last session to watch and it was a great one. We talked for awhile afterwards about some different things that were brought up during the DVD, played a few quick games of Minesweeper (it's been our competition between each other lately) and then headed to bed.
It was a fabulously fun family day. I kept thinking of how we only have three more months of it being just the three of us and then Ellie will be joining in on the fun as well. I think she is already preparing me for middle of the night feedings, as I was jolted awake at 3:00am by her strong movements and then she proceeded to kick and punch me for the next hour. I had a half hour of peace that I tried to fall asleep during and then she resumed her kickboxing from 4:30-5:15. I slept for the next hour off and on until Noah decided to have an early morning at 6:30am. I know someday I'll probably have to drag them from their beds to get to school or church ontime, but right now I just can't envision that day very well.
Noah looks soo much like you. ha ha its cute =]
Awwww....looks like you guys had a good time!
BTW Weston DOES change the CDs...he told me he wouldn't wash them....silly boy...I won't LET him wash them....he'd probably ruin them~ EEK!
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