Tim and Noah were pretty fascinated by the skydive simulator. We didn't plan their outfits on purpose - brown shirts, khaki shorts. You'll just have that when most boy/men clothes look the same!
The Alumni soccer team. Tim can't wait for next year! Apparently, it is as hard for 19 grown men to look in the same direction as it is toddlers to...

And this is my handsome new nephew, Ross, who arrived last Friday evening. We can't wait to meet him at Christmas! Big brother Alec seems to be enchanted by him. The other 2 big brothers are also adjusting well to their newest brother. I become tired just thinking about Tim's sister and husband having 4 boys ages 7 and under! They're fantastic parents.
Goodness! I am so behind on reading blogs it isn't even funny...and I see you have posted a couple since I last "Checked in" on you :o)
The pictures are sure cute!
And yes, 4 boys under 7 sounds very tiring....it was exhausting enough to have 3 under 5.....
The cloth diapering is going really good! I am really liking it and Weston was amazed at how much less trash there is :o)
First off- GREAT photography. The first picture of your boys is awesome. Second- I want to send you a christmas card because I love sending christmas cards and I don't have a current address. You can email it to me: bexsaltsman@gmail.com
I love you and thanks for your vote of confidence. I need it right now.
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