Focus on the Family gave a grant to the Muskegon Pregnancy Services for an ultrasound machine. They were looking for pregnant women between 6 and 20 weeks to train on. Who can turn down a free ultrasound? Not me. Especially since it will be another 5 weeks before our "big" ultrasound where we find out gender, make sure all the anatomy looks correct, etc. and I have been longing to see my baby!
Apparently, he or she is very active as they kept telling me this while trying to get a good shot. I like this one because it is almost identical to one of Noah's 20 week pictures. They both have a hand by their heads in the picture. Like brother like...baby. So can you see the baby in the photo?
SO precious! And yup I can see the baby....isn't it amazing how after you've had an ultrasound (or ten) you can see the baby almost immediately? I remember the first one with Griffin it was grey and fuzzy, but with the ones with Paxton and MacAllistair I could immediately make out the baby and what parts of the baby it was :o)
Can't wait to see the next one!
I can TOTALLY tell that's a baby! :) Glad you got a little sneak peek at your little one...I know how reassuring that is after previous difficulties. Hope you're feeling well!
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