Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Emotional Wreck

Pregnancy is wearing down my hormones and emotions. I remember crying quite a bit while pregnant with Noah, but it was mostly during things that could be justified. For instance, I would hear Eric Clapton singing "You Look Wonderful Tonight" and think it was just the most romantic thing and break down in tears. Then I would listen to Sara Groves' song "Beautiful Child." The waterworks went full force during that one. Even more after he was actually born and I could really relate to the lyrics.

This time around....I cry during anything. We were watching an episode of "WonderPets" the other day. Who was crying? Me. When MingMing says, "We are coming to save you little tree, because you are a living thing" you would have thought I had been told my best friend died. Last night we went to Matt & Jeana's for dinner. Afterwards, Jeana, Noah & I watched an episode of "Arthur" that Jeana had recorded that was discussing adoption. Binky was getting a baby sister from China. OK, this is a cartoon. A CARTOON, just like WonderPets. Cried. What is my problem? I also cried in the movie, "Cars." That was when I started suspecting I might be pregnant since we hadn't actually taken the test yet.
I am reading a book called "Knit Together" by Debbie Macomber. It's great so far, very inspiring. Pick it up if you get a chance. Anyways, she was writing about how her childhood librarian was Beverly Clearly, which I thought was awesome! I mean, who doesn't love Ramona Quimby? Plus, I love books and reading and writing so much that I guess this was just really exciting to me. After I read that part I said out loud, "Well, that's cool." Tim asked, "What?" I started to tell him and next thing I know, I can't speak because I'm so choked up! This then made Tim think it must be something really cool because, obviously, I am emotional about it. When I could finally tell him, he looked at me and just laughed. I think he's getting used to this.
Oh, well.
My niece, Kailyn, turned 1 this past Sunday. I would love to be able to post pictures from the party, but the batteries in my camera died as soon as I turned it on when we got there. Bummer. Here is a recent one of her anyways:

What a cutie.

Well, that's about it. I am getting really excited to go visit Jack & Kelly this weekend. Kelly and I are going to go into Indianapolis and hit the H&M and some other fun stores. By ourselves. No husbands, no kids. I probably won't be shopping for me since I won't be wearing normal clothes too much longer, but there are a couple things Tim needs, and it's always fun to window shop.


Lindsy said...

Have you read the Karen Kingsbury Redemption series? So far I have polished those off along with the Firstborn series and now I am onto the Sunrise ones (guess what I do while nursing the baby?)Nicole has been loaning me her Karen Kingsbury library and I have been blubbering through those books ~ I am still waiting for the hormones to get "back to normal" HA! Whatever that means!

Lindsy said...

I picked up the new Karen Kingsbury book, Summer. I told Nicole that our friendship was now costing us money ~ ha ha! She is the one that loaned me the entire Redemption and Firstborn series...I am hooked! :o)
Hope you are feeling good today!

christina said...

you ARE an emotional wreck! get it together, andrea! haha...JUST kidding. i'm actually glad to hear this, because i'm emotional like that sometimes and i'm NOT pregnant! i've cried during cartoons, i get crocodile tears almost every week in church, and i get teary-eyed when i see squirrels and birds hopping along when i run at riverside park. part of that is a joyous thing...like "wow...what a sense of humor God has for making these little creatures!". but still...who thinks that? i'm sure i'll have experiences like you, so i'm glad to hear it. :)