I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant with a little life that Tim has nicknamed "Sugar Pea." I think it was because we had sugar peas for dinner the evening of this ultrasound so it was in his head...
Anyways, our due date is April 26th, and we had a rough few days last week with some different pains and bleeding, but all is good now. My HCG and progestorone levels are exactly where they should be and the baby's heartrate was a strong 131 bpm. I think that is slower than Noah's was, but the ultrasound tech and ER doctor said it's great and the chance of miscarriage is less than 1%. All babies are different and all pregnancies are different, which has never been more true in my case.
We weren't planning on sharing our new this early on, but after our good report Friday night, Tim said "Let's start telling!" (Think he's excited?) I was talking to my friend, Rachel, yesterday (who is also pregnant, though much farther along) and we were discussing how much more joy you feel as you're able to share it with others. It makes me feel less worried, more relieved and free to talk about it.
Noah says he wants a sister. I tell him there's not much I can do about it at this point. I don't even know if he really understands what is going on anyways. I think he just likes to say "I want sister."
I LOVE the change in weather we have had in Grand Haven. It is cooler and windy and feels like fall! I have on a sweatshirt and the house smells like the roast that is cooking in the crockpot. Yummy. Bring on the hearty autumn meals.
In a couple weeks "Heroes" starts back up. Tim and our friend, Matt N., love the show so last night we decided it would become a date night for all of us. We are going to meet at Logan's for dinner because on Mondays and Tuesdays they have a 2 For $12.99 dinner special (with awesome options!) and $2 kids meals. Then we'll go to Matt & Jeana's and put Noah to sleep. The boys will watch their TV show and Jeana and I are going to sew and knit and have some crafty time because we don't watch the show. We have some projects in mind to work on, especially with Christmas coming up! The only glitch is that Tim and I have small group every other Monday night, so we'll go watch the show after group and skip the dinner part (which we decided was more budget friendly anyways.)
This past weekend was the only weekend in September that we are going to be in town. This weekend and the last weekend we will be in Fowlerville for a party and a baby shower and the weekend between we're traveling to Indiana to visit Jack & Kelly. Woo-hoo! I am way excited about that trip.
I think as long as Noah is down for a nap, I might catch some sleep as well. Have a blessed day!
CONGRATULATIONS! What exciting news! I agree that it's wonderful to be able to tell people. We always waited until after the first trimester to tell, until this pregnancy. This time we couldn't wait, so we were around 7 weeks when we told, too! By the way, I LOVE the picture of Noah a few posts down, lying in the grass with the blocks. That is absolutely precious. Did you take it?
Congratulations! I understand the trepidation you feel after past experience...I felt that way throughout my entire pregnancy with Sam. But my thought was, 'each baby should be celebrated, no matter if I'm pregnant for 9 days or 9 months'...so we told everyone right away. (Well, I should add, that after 4 pregnancies, my belly tended to pop out right away...so people would have asked anyway!).
I am so excited for you guys. Hope you have a wonderful, blessed 9 months! :)
I love it ~ Griffin wanted a sister too because he already had a brother. So when I called from the hospital to tell him he had a new brother, he informed me that he already had a brother...then when I told him Mac's name he promptly said, "I can't say that name." The little stinker! Congrats again on the pregnancy :o)
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