Two years ago I had the most exhilirating and rewarding day of my life.
I gave birth on August 16, 2005.
Yesterday we celebrated Noah's second birthday. Where does the time go? I tried to give him a fun birthday, even though he didn't really understand the significance of the day at his age.
Throughout the day I would glance at the clock and think of what I was doing two years ago that moment. I woke up at 5:00 am to use the bathroom and thought, "Two years ago my parents and sister were arriving at our house in Grand Rapids. We were watching the morning news on WZZM13 and timing contractions."
Noah woke up at 7:30 and as I went to get home out of his crib I thought, "I was in triage waiting for a room to open."
I gave him a big hug as I lifted him from his crib and told him, "Happy birthday pumpkin!" Wow. Two years ago he had not even breathed from this world yet. Now he is such a big boy.
We had breakfast and got dressed. My sister and parents called to wish him a happy birthday.
I thought it would be fun to go to a little park not far from where we live to play. I put him in his stroller and pushed him down to the playground. It was a beautiful day and so far there had been no temper tantrums. Awesome.
I watched him run on the playground from one toy to the next. I looked at his chubby toddler thighs and thought of how skinny they were when he was born. I watched the way he climbed the stairs to the top of the slide and thought of how they used to flail about with no control when we unswaddled him.
I noticed that he still is as intense as he was when he was a newborn. His nurses in the hospital would comment on the way he seemed to be taking everything in, his serious little disposition. Just two weeks ago, when I picked him up from the nursery in church, the workers were commenting on how when he would inspect something, his brow would furrow and he would stare intensely at it.
My heart melted as I pushed him on the merry-go-round and he looked up at me and said "love you." I love you, too.
I have loved you since before you were born. I loved you when you were just a thought in my mind. I loved you more at every doctor's appointment when I heard your heartbeat and saw your little profile on the ultrasound machine. I loved every movement I felt inside me as you grew.
I loved you when I felt my first contraction that woke me at 1:30 am two years ago. I loved you with every push that brought you closer to entering the room with me, with every scream and thought of wanting to give up, yet knowing it was what I had to go through to see you.
I loved you when they placed you on my chest and I counted your tiny fingers and toes. I loved you as your dad sobbed harder than you and me together as he held you for the first time. Then came the day I looked at you and thought my heart was going to burst from the ache I felt of how much I loved you. No one could describe how strong this love would be.
Even with how much I loved you in those first moments and weeks, I love you even more today. I love the strong boy you have become. I love the laughter and joy you bring to our household. Even though they drive me crazy, I love the moments when you are stubborn because it shows you have a personality and are developing your independence. You are growing in every way possible. I love you, Noah, my two-year old. You are my blessing, my inheritance from the Lord.

Happy Birthday, Noah!!!
Happy Birthday Noah!
GREAT post, Andrea!!! :)
How sweet. My sweet baby girl will be two this June...can't believe it and my son will be 5 next month...they grow up sooo fast!
Time does fly! My oldest will be 24 next month and my youngest will be 4 on August 10th
Happy SITS day!
That photo with the blocks is too cute! This post was very moving. I was really emotional on my boy's 2nd birthday too. They just grow so fast!
Beautifully written. I was like that on my son's second b-day, and his 3rd and 4th and know i will soon be on his 5th. It is amazing what we can remember.
Happy SITS day
Thanks - I'm crying now. My too old 2 year old is snuggled next to me on the couch sound asleep. I need to kiss her now - so thank you!
So stinking cute! :) From SITs
Congrats on getting featured!
Beautiful! My oldest girl just turned 19, I still remember the newness of her first days as though they were yesterday. She's home from college on Spring Break now, I think I'll go peek in on her. And smell her head. :)
Wow, you are an amazing writer. Someday, when you get to share this with Noah, it will be the most amazing thing ever. I have goosebumps.
Lovely post once again. I will certainly return to your blog. Happy SITS day!
Very cute little man!
You're a wonderful writer! I can totally feel you on this one - mine's about to turn THREE! Where does the time go?
happy birthday :)
That picture is so cute!
You are very blessed!
Time FLIES! Delightful post.
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS day!
Another beautiful post!
It's only from becoming a mom have I come to understand what it means to completely fall in love with someone (my daughters).
Beautiful and touching. :o)
That was beautiful! And so true! Where does the time go? I love that last picture, so clever and beautiful!
Wonderful post- and that block picture totally rocks.
Sweet. You have a beautiful family and a great blog.
what a beautiful post!
Totally had me tearing up with that post..beautiful!
Sweet birthday post for your baby. You have reminded me that I need to write down what I recall from my girls' birth days. It's still so vivid now, and I would hate to forget even one detail.
What a sweet post. They do indeed grow up way too quickly.
Love the blocks pic!
beautifully written... it is amazing how much we are able to love our children. they are definitely the best thing to ever happen to me.
Such a sweet post, your Noah is adorable.
Beautiful. Happy Birthday (Even though I'm late)! Great photo!
Crap...that totally made me choke up. : )
so sweet! Love that picture!~!
No fair! I'm sitting here, looking at my little one who will turn 2 in 29 days and I'm crying!
This was lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us.
He is precious! Great post :)
so sweet :-)
That was so sweet I almost cried!
Happy Birthday Noah. You are a lucky little man to have such a sweet mom!
Oh that is an absolutely gorgeous and moving post. And the picture at the end? Priceless!
Coming over from SITS.
This is a very sweet post! You can totally feel the love you have for him in every word.
Oh man...what an amazing post. You have me in tears. The husband part got me the most. Be blessed sister.
So very bittersweet isn't it! Happy SITS day!
What a precious post! I am so happy for you and yours.
Another sweet post! And now Noah is almost four. Enjoy every moment!
I just love this post. Not that it takes much nowadays, but it brought tears to my eyes. My son was born just about a week away from yours, same year. Three and a half just doesn't seem possible, does it? Can't wait til he gets home so I can hug him up. Thanks.
I love that picture with the blocks! My youngest just turned 3 and I'm so sad to see her growing up. I just want her to stay little but on the other hand she astounds me with new things learned each day. Love your blog!
Beautiful boy and the photos are great! Oh, to have little kids in my again...mine are 26 and 27 now.
What a beautiful post! You should publish this as a poem or in a greeting card. Seriously. Fantastic.
I do the same thing, think back to every hour of that birthday, where I was, what we were doing. Seems like yesterday, but still so far away. It was a pleasure reading today, hope you enjoyed his birthday...
I still do that each year on my daughters birth date and she is 9 now :) We lived in GR before we moved down south, but our family is still in that area (Holland/Kalamazoo mostly). Love your blog!
What a sweet post and an adorable little boy. Why do they grow up so quickly?
What a sweet birthday post! And I love the pictures.
Oh my goodness! That made me cry! My girls are 21 months old tomorrow, and I just know I'm gonna loose it when they turn 2. Seems like 2 is the defining age between baby and child.
ok I doon't know you but that post made me cry and made me want to run upstairs and hug my two little ones while they are anpping!! love how you used the blocks in teh last photo!!
so glad you are FB at SITS, adding you to my favs list and will be back!!
Happy SITS day! 2 great pics!
Awwwwww, I don't even have kids, but this post made me tear up as soon as you said Noah's father sobbed harder than the both of you. This is such a sweet post!
Congratulations on being featured on SITS today!
Cant imagine how being a mum would feel like. Congrats on your 2 little ones, they are adorable.
Your blog is beautiful and truly inspiring. Congrats for being FB!
It's amazing how fast they grow up. That's a great picture, too!
I'm new to SITS- This is a cool day. Congrats on your being chosen blogger of the day. Congrats also on your son. That is a love like no other. A couple entries ago, I wrote about my son, 17 now. I'm sure you'll always love your son like I do mine.
I love birthdays...even if my babies are sometimes too little to understand it. I love the picture with his name/age on it!
I am fascinated by the picture with the blocks! Great work!
Another sweet post!
I love the last pic... using the blocks is a cute idea!
I so completely understand, each year is SO hard - it reminds us that they won't be home with us forever. I love what you did in that last pic with the blocks!
Oh! SO cute! What a honey! I enjoyed your post! :)
How precious--the picture is priceless.
That last picture is too cute!!!
Look how much he has changed in the picture at the top of your blog since you wrote this post! Happy SITS day!
Amazing post, it brought tears to my eyes! He is a cutie!
Sweet post! What a big boy! Happy SITS day!!
How very sweet!
My baby is now 18.
Such a sweet post, I have tears in my eyes.
I can't believe how fast life goes once you have children. It doesn't seem fair because once they're here all you want to do is cherish every second.
brought tears to my eyes!Off to kiss my wee ones now!
Happy Birthday!
great photos and post! this is a love so deep, so strong, it is nearly tangible.
Wow. You summed it up very well! They grow so fast it breaks your heart yet makes you happy all at the same time! Being a mom is the best!
Happy SITS day!
They grow up way too fast indeed! Love the last pic of Noah and the blocks...really sweet!
StampinMom :-)
I do that too--looking at the clock, thinking right this minute, he was born. My boys are 7 and 4 and they are growing up too fast!
They do grow up too fast. My girls turned 13 and 19, and I look at them and wonder where did the time go?
Oh my gosh, that was SOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!! And the picture with the blocks...ADORABLE!!!
Happy Birthday! I love how you got down to eye level with him for the last photo. Happy SITS day!
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